puppy peeing?? - Page 1

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by SitasMom on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

My new  3 month old male puppy is determined to pee in all of my female dog's crates. What is going on? Is he claiming his turf or just trying to be dominate?


by Pharaoh on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

What is going on may be not enough supervision.

deathrow dogpack

by deathrow dogpack on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

take a news paper, roll it up real tight.  then hit yourself in the head.

by SitasMom on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

I have to agree with that the supervision thing, all of our grand kids were here and it was a bit crazy. He is a sneaky little guy. We have a doggie door which he usually uses, but today......he decided to use the other dogs' crates instead of the doggie door. Using the crates was much better then the carpet!


by Gator113 on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

My pup relived himself in the house a total of 3 times. Each of those occasions were my fault and never his. I doubt he would go in the house now if his life depended on it. He would more likely eat his way through the back door before going in my house. Next spring, he's going to learn to go in the "tall grass".... about 50 yards from the house.

Good luck....

by SitasMom on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

OK, I used the newspaper..........I'm still confused.........

by SitasMom on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

so like why would a puppy walk into another dog's crate to pee?

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

Out the door every few hours...Do not let him do it...do not talk to a pup when you go outside..out the door immediatley upon waking...do not talk to him...go right out   walk around and use one word  or two????  do your business or   what ever..use the same word every time...then the big pitch comes next..if he does it again.....pitch him with big no no pee in house.. let him know physically he is not allowed...doesnt matter what you use or do..your the boss...no pee in house ,crate...if you talk or play when out the door, you confuse the pup...he must learn  out the door means pee and poop...play after wards...not before..If you have to walk for 5 ,7. 8. 9 . or more before he potties,,,do it...Time is tight...this he must learn...when finished., then reward with praise....back in house and crate for one week..do not let pup  roam house...essentially you are starting all over...do not let pup wander all over house...asking for an accident....he is not trained for a long time to trust..must sense when he needs to go again,...rush him outside..if he pees in house....   well,  spare the rod spoils the child....enough said.

One thing I dont put up with is a peeing dog in house. No need to   ..three days and its done..but YOU have to be on your toes and keep up consistancy.




by animules on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

Did not want to get his own space dirty.

Could well be with all the excitmement of extra kids there he just forgot about the doggie door. 


by animules on 04 January 2009 - 04:01

sorry, double post....


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