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American Staffordshire Terrier -
Gaston z Mařenické Fořtovny
Sire Born: 19. January 2016
ČLP 9973/17
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
GRCH Szalai's ORLANDO HD- Sire | SRBCH HPD Bodyguard Lesoto SPKP 1633 HD- Sire | CH. Imperia Staff Diamond Hill 1999RKF 1074342 (PKR III-43887) HD- Sire |
INTCH CCS Primabalerina Lesoto 1999PKR III-40538 HD- Dam | ||
Steppe Farm Georga SHPK 1093 HD- Dam | Artis Stepi SHPK 00256/97 HD- Sire | |
BEAUTI Stepi SHPK 00405/97 HD- Dam | ||
Viktorka z Mařenické Fořtovny 2009CLP 6993/10 HD- Dam | Georgtown´s Dusty Road 2000MET 4281/00 (CLP 6038/05) HD- Sire | CH Imperia Staff Darling 1996SPKP 1191 (CMKU 2911/96/98) HD- Sire |
S-E EU CUP WINNER Georgetown's B.B. 1998MET 488/98 HD- Dam | ||
Butterfly z Mařenické fořtovny 2004CLP 5708/05 HD- Dam | INT CH Assar Panda Parinco 1999CLP 4010/00 (RKF 1463058) HD- Sire | |
Sully z Mařenické fořtovny 1997CLP 3322/99 HD- Dam |
Picture galleries
Gaston z Mařenické Fořtovny by ceskakreta
By ceskakreta - 2.8 years ago
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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