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American Staffordshire Terrier - Male
CH Grimloc's Woodys Gone Rudy
Sire Born: 22. December 1993
AKC RM10179809
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
#1 AST, CGCMBISS INTL CH Willynwood Redneck #1 AST, CGC1990AKC RL98888205 HD-OFA: Fair (STA-296F24M-T) Sire | Willynwood Muddy Buddy1984RB350509 HD- Sire | Ch. R and D's Bosco Bear1980RA591700 HD- Sire |
Willynwood Dolly1981RA776007 HD- Dam | ||
Willynwood Sabine Sabrina1987RB170283 HD- Dam | CH Tara's Doc Holliday1982AKC RA743303 HD- Sire | |
Willynwood Kate1983RA976692 HD- Dam | ||
CH Acton Gracy Blubyu V Grimloc1992AKC RM05648103 HD- Dam | U-GRCH Duvall's Jumpin Jack Flash1987AKC RB164521 HD- Sire | CH Rocket's Roaring Thunder1984AKC RA943456 HD- Sire |
UKC-P142-174U-CD CH Estrella's Diamond in the Ruff UKC-P142-1741984AKC RA912981 HD- Dam | ||
CD CGC #1 A.S.CH Acton's Heavens to Betsey CD CGC #1 A.S.AKC RB138791 HD- Dam | Sierra's Oliver BlueRA846898 HD- Sire | |
Sierra's Samantha JosephineRB044063 HD- Dam |
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