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American Staffordshire Terrier - Female
CH Fraja NE Raging Moon
Dam born: 20. January 1997
AKC RM204500/02 (LOI 0012779)
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CGCCH Fraja EC Thunder Cloud CGC1995AKC RM13784004 HD-OFA: Good Sire | BISS CH Sindelar's Touch O'Class Orion1985AKC RB024246 HD- Sire | CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt1977AKC RA423487 06-79 HD- Sire |
CH (AKC) Sindelar's Heide Ho1979AKC RA502747 10-82 HD- Dam | ||
BIS BISS CH Fraja EC Winning Ticket1987AKC RB108557 HD- Dam | CH Sindelar's Sonny Boy of Tara1982AKC RA748267 HD- Sire | |
CH Fraja Thunder Battery1979AKC RA561838 HD- Dam | ||
CH. Raging Moon's Fire And Ice1992RM03771701 HD- Dam | CGC/TDI CD #1 A.S.CH Talk O' The Town's RM's Rocky CGC/TDI CD #1 A.S.1990RL97245302 HD- Sire | CDCh. Nightlord's Donner CD1985RB009165 HD- Sire |
AKC CH Sindelar's Misty Mudd1985AKC RA997311 HD- Dam | ||
CH Touch O'Class Daddy's Girl1989RB293549 HD- Dam | BISS CH Sindelar's Touch O'Class Orion1985AKC RB024246 HD- Sire | |
Touch O'Class Paisley PosieHD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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