Simple pedigree chart for MBJ's Thundering Aurora of Kadig (1663152)

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Simple pedigree chart for CH MBJ's Thundering Aurora of Kadig PH

CH MBJ's Thundering Aurora of Kadig PH
Kadig's I'm a Tucker too of SAB
ABA CH Souza's/Van Hoose's Koa of Boyd BST CGC PH
Bailey's/Manstopper's Ironman Tyson of MGK
(ARFJT7159DR-T (UKC B100-728))
MGK´s Mountain Gator Red
Symmes' Rip'n Woody
Symmes' Slashin Sheena
Ruby Farneti (Sans Affixe)
Sommer's Athena of Boyd
Symmes' Rip'n Woody
Johnson's Tosh
Hines' Moleque Boyd TT, ROM
Hines' Snowbird/Dorsey's Flash CATCHDOG
Moose Run's Foxy Rocksy CD11
CH Boyd's Hi-Jumpin Mikie SCH III, BST
Symmes' Rip'n Woody
Johnson's Tosh
Hines' Moleque Boyd TT, ROM
Hines' Snowbird/Dorsey's Flash CATCHDOG
Moose Run's Flashback of Boyd
ABA CH Souza's/Van Hoose's Koa of Boyd BST CGC PH
Bailey's/Manstopper's Ironman Tyson of MGK
(ARFJT7159DR-T (UKC B100-728))
Sommer's Athena of Boyd
Hines' Moleque Boyd TT, ROM
Hines' Snowbird/Dorsey's Flash CATCHDOG
KADIG'S Brindle of SAB
DUAL GR CH Souza's Matias of SAB SCH1, BST,CGC, WPT1, GDT, IDT3, IDT5
ABA CH Souza's/Van Hoose's Koa of Boyd BST CGC PH
Bailey's/Manstopper's Ironman Tyson of MGK
(ARFJT7159DR-T (UKC B100-728))
MGK´s Mountain Gator Red
Sommer's Athena of Boyd
Symmes' Rip'n Woody
Hines' Moleque Boyd TT, ROM
GR CH Souza's Dixie Lee PH- ROM, PDTII, CGC
CH Boyd's Hi-Jumpin Mikie SCH III, BST
Symmes' Rip'n Woody
Hines' Moleque Boyd TT, ROM
Boyd's/A&K's Token for a Smootch PH-0.42/0.
Smootch Kruegger of Thunder
DUAL GR CH Thunderstruck's Tewa of SAB BST
WAB Bruiser Bo
(UKCB400-405 (ARF3495))
Blackwell's Deacon
Blackwell's Black Eyed Susan
Peeler's Miss Collette Buck
Johnson's Collette 14
Lichthardt's Laverne SCHH1
LeClerc's Hannibal
LeClerc's Bessy
Sand's Dixie
Sand's Bridgette


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