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CH Coldfoot Wolf of Sittiak1965AKC WA763793 HD- Sire | CHD 335P CD ROM OBROMCH Shuyak Caro of Cold Foot CHD 335P CD ROM OBROM1956AKC W-758328 /100 HD- Sire | Sno-Pak Kaghi's Tugg1953AKC W-441907 /10000 HD- Sire |
Alaskan Agnishuk of Kuvak1955AKC W-633098 /10000 HD- Dam | ||
ROMCH Cold Foot's Chevak ROM100 HD- Dam | CHD 335P CD ROM OBROMCH Shuyak Caro of Cold Foot CHD 335P CD ROM OBROM1956AKC W-758328 /100 HD- Sire | |
Kiska Queen of Cold Foot100 HD- Dam | ||
Tigara's Nitok of Artica1963AKC WA507134 /100 HD- Dam | CH Thor of Tigara100 HD- Sire | ROMCH Toro of Bras Coupe ROM1946AKC W119126 HD- Sire |
Tigara's Adventuress1955HD- Dam | ||
Tigara's Winsome Witch100 HD- Dam | Rebel of TigaraHD- Sire | |
Tigara's Petite ParkaHD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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