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Alaskan Malamute - Female
Toolik's Fifty shades of grey
Dam born: 16. August 2016
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not knownBreed report
No breed report has been submitted
Hiko Tikaani Polarni UsvitHD- Sire | Lord of the Rings AppalachianPKR 15041 (CMKU 7501/ HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | AM & INT & MULTI CH Windrift's This Is The Time2007EST 04235/07 (AKC WS21006804) HD-No record in OFA 06/03/20 Sire |
CH POL Fair Play Appalachian2004PKR V HD- Dam | ||
MULTI CH Aura Polarni Usvit2005CMKU 6579/05/07 HD- Dam | INT/MULTI CH BradPitt del Lago Degli Orsi2001LOI 02/1785 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
BIS WW ICH CH Delightful Anny Inditarod2002CMKU 6170/02 HD- Dam | ||
Toolik's Beyond your dreams within your reachHD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) () Dam | BIS/BISS AM/CAN CH Sno Klassic Above The Rim1996AKC WP74459102 HD-OFA: Excellent AM-10048E31M-T Sire | ROMCH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM1993AKC WP47952806 HD-OFA: Good AM-8629G25M Sire |
Sno Klassic Chenega Kaniksu1993AKC WP47557302 HD-OFA: Good (AM-8550G24F) Dam | ||
Wencinjas Dream A Little Dream2007AKC WS23347403 (VDH 03022) HD-HD: A1 Dam | Am/Int/Nat CH Wencinja's Intl Man O Mystry2002AKC WR07216106 HD-AM-11603G25M-PI (Good) Sire | |
Am CH Moonsnoe Wencinjas Serendipity2003AKC WS05769301 HD-OFA: Good (AM-11742G25F-PI) Dam |
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