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ROMBIS, BISS CH Nanuke's Winter Magic ROM 1980WE 793367 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-3984) Sire | BIS BISS CH Northeast's Lucan 1978AKC WE030997 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-3010) Sire | CAN CH Kiche's You Asked For It 1976AKC WD462999 HD- Sire |
Northeast's Paija 1975AKC WD051179 HD- Dam | ||
AM/CAN CH Northeast's Misty Minx 1978AKC WE174208/6240 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-3381) Dam | CH Inuit's Sneaky Black Pete 1974AKC WD1212612 (8204) HD- Sire | |
CDCH Northeast's Vixen CD 1975AKC WD051178/4277 HD- Dam | ||
ROMAM CH Northeast Scarlet Fever ROM 1983AKC WF466484 HD-Not in OFA Dam | WTD, ROMAM/CAN CH, BIS Barrenfield's Rocket Torpedo WTD, ROM 1979AKC WE381158 (5729) HD- Sire | ROMAM/CAN CH Bigfoots Field Artillery ROM 1976AKC WD528307/6880 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-2514-T) Sire |
ROMAM\CA CH Alcan Mate To Arte ROM 1977AKC WD800108/4578 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-2916) Dam | ||
CH Northeast's Wind Song 1982AKC WF244229 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-4469) Dam | BIS BISS CH Northeast's Lucan 1978AKC WE030997 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-3010) Sire | |
AM/CAN CH Northeast's Misty Minx 1978AKC WE174208/6240 HD-OFA: Normal (AM-3381) Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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