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Alaskan Malamute - Male
AM. Can. CH. Kiaranuk Keikewabic Spitnimage
Sire Born: 07. April 2000
AKC WS05930302 (KG667578 )
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
BPIS AM/ CAN.CH Spiritrun's Tyetu Keikewabic1998AKC WP92719302 HD- Sire | ROMBIS/BISS/AM/CAN CH Nanuke's Take No Prisoners ROM1993AKC WP47952807 HD-OFA: Excellent (AM-8585E24M) Sire | ROMBIS/BISS AM CH Nanuke's Revolutionary ROM1991AKC WP37475607 HD-OFA: Good (AM-7995G27M) Sire |
ROMWDCH (US) Nanuke's Seal of Approval ROMWD1990AKC WP32182705 HD-OFA: Excellent AM-7776E30F Dam | ||
CAMCAN CH Keikewabic's Agassiz of Tundra CAM1993CKC BG085057 (AKC WP58772201 ) HD- Dam | CH. Keikewabic's Inook1988CKC VY772880 HD- Sire | |
CAN CH Keikewabic's Sledgerunner Tundra1991CKC YG943370 HD- Dam | ||
CH Keikewabic's KeeshaHD- Dam | TT CAMCAN CH Outriggers Red Wolf TT CAM1991AKC WP41683801 HD- Sire | CH CAN Keikewabic's P'Tis Guy1986CKC TW617412 HD- Sire |
Keikewabic's Chitina1987CKC UY702340 HD- Dam | ||
CAN, AUST) CH Keikewabic's Kimo 2nd1991CKC YL964728 HD- Dam | CH Locomotion Keikewabic1981AKC WG192002 HD- Sire | |
CH Keikewabic's Kiki Taboo1983CKC QU380394 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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