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QUESTBEST RICHARD THE BEAR HEART by helgaice - Dog: Questbest Richard The Bear Heart


Training the German Shepherd Dog for the Show Ring

Training the German Shepherd Dog for the Show Ring

Before a dog is ever entered for a competitive show, there is a lot of work that must be accomplished in order to be able to present the dog properly.  There is nothing like having a quality dog that is unprepared for a show.  A dog that hasn’t been well trained and conditioned just won’t be a competitive dog.

  • Health Issues in Dogs

    Dogs can suffer from a whole host of diseases and other serious health problems. Some of these conditions are inherited, while others are caused by viruses; still others are related to lifestyle and environmental influences.

  • The Importance of Titles, Health Screening and Breed Surveys on Breeding Stock

    Historically, dog shows and other related events were developed with a very specific purpose in mind – to select and recognize those dogs with the best breeding characteristics, in order to guarantee the future health, stability and vitality of individual breeds. The practice of dog breeding is dedicated to this purpose, and dog breeders have a responsibility to do what is best for the breeds with which they choose to work. 


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