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Siblings list for Luxembourg Champion Born To Be Your Veni Vidi Vici
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Hazelmere Victory Heart and father: HJCH Born To Be Your Dance with the Devil
Mother: INT.CH ALL OVER BORN TO BE MAGIC “LOVEJOY” and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: Almoneira Cinderella Born To Be A Princess and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: Hun GCH, HCH, HJCH Andvol Terrae Filius NHAT and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: Belen Magic Pembroke and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: Born To Be Your Anastasia and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: Born To Be Your Cindy Crawford and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: HSCH, HCH, RCH, GRCH, MDCH Born To Be Your Coco Chanel and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: Born To Be Your Kiss from a Panda and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
Mother: INT.CH. HJCH, CZ.Jun.CW. Born To Be Your Walk On Red Carpet and father: Hun JCh, Junior BIS Ginger Elf Peanut Butter at Borntobe
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