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Siblings list for CH (AM) Renefield Sportscaster ROM
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Bojojamile Billeigh and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
Mother: CH Jade Tree Penway Potpourri and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
Mother: CH Nebriowa Double Stitch and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
Mother: UK CH Penliath Fatal Attraction and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
Mother: CH Pennington Winning Colors and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
Mother: Renefield Lily-Trotter and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
Mother: CH(CDN&AM) Stonecroft's Simply Smitten and father: CH. Renefield Sport Coat ROM
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