Lapponian Herder

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Lapponian Herder

Lapponian Herder
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Fixing pedigrees in case there's something wrong with it14.7 years agoLapponian Herder
Kuvista / About pictures14.7 years agoLapponian Herder

Sample photo gallery

Vájsás Guokte - Dog: Vájsás Guokte


General Grooming of Dogs

General Grooming of Dogs

Food, shelter, exercise and regular visits to the veterinarian are all a part of the basic care package that accompanies dog ownership. However, there is one more important aspect of proper canine care that must not be forgotten or neglected, and that is grooming. In order for a dog to stay clean and healthy, proper hygiene must be maintained, and given that dogs can do little more than lick themselves to remove the occasional annoying substance, grooming of your animal is your responsibility.

  • Is a Raw Food Diet Right for Your Dog?

    If you read the labels on the back of commercially-prepared dog food, at first glance it might appear as if they are well-fortified with all the nutrients a dog needs to stay healthy. But if you read a little more closely, you will soon realize that this kind of food is heavily laced with preservatives, additives and other kinds of 

  • An Introduction to Herding

    Herding is one of oldest canine activities available.  It has real world applications and is still in place for viable farm assistance in many places.  For urban individuals, herding has become more of a training activity for competition for those breeds of dogs with natural instinct.


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