Locking pedigrees on PDB is not such a good idea. - Page 3

Pedigree Database

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by momosgarage on 22 June 2015 - 23:06

Why can't this be set in a way like Wikipedia, where the history of changes and whom made the changes, is always tracked and noted in a submenu on the individual pedigree pages?  That way people can scroll though the historical changes logged and decide for themselves if they believe the edited information posted or not.  Maybe even "likes" on this history submenu can determine which information is more favored by the community?


by Bundishep on 22 June 2015 - 23:06

I understand Pragers strong concerns,I,m not sure there is any perfect system I wonder how working dog.EU handles their pedigree edits,it does seem like that site has more missing pictures than PDB in some dogs pedigrees that i research,the history of edits can still be seen under history of changes even though one is locked out which i like and also if anyone wants to add a comment to any ped.at the very bottom of a ped that feature has not been locked out yet which is very good,blue frost was pretty fast in unlocking peds but i hope that speed can be maintained if thousands are requiesting peds to be unlocked.

by Schaeferhund1 on 23 June 2015 - 00:06

I am just glad and grateful that the database is available. It's such a great resource!
Yes, I've also filled in much information in old pedigrees (I wouldn't touch anything of the last 20 years or so) and I miss being able to do that. Happened just as I was in the process of tracing back my current dog's pedigree.
But as I understand it, to keep the dabase functional, it's less trouble to lock the pedigree and send requests for individual changes to admins than it is for admins to clean up defaced pedigrees. And I would be upset as a user, too, if my dogs' pedigrees were defaced. 
As someone said, there is no perfect solution, we gotta take the most workable solution available. And that seems to be locking pedigrees and sending requests for change to admins. I think we can live with that :)


by Dawulf on 23 June 2015 - 00:06

momosgarage - there is a "History of Changes" button on the pedigrees. Third button under where the picture is.

by joanro on 23 June 2015 - 00:06

Bundishep asked; 'I wonder how working dog.EU handles their pedigree edits...'

Well, not very well. Someone entered a pedigree on there that contained a female I imported and raised since 8 weeks old. The dog has never stepped foot in Czech after I got her. She has a normal straight stock coat. They entered my dog in the ped on work dogs EU as a zvv1 and a LONG coat... I sent a massage to the admin and told them the information on my dog was entered incorrectly. They never responded. Finally got hold of the person who entered the incorrect information...the only thing they changed was the coat type of my dog. The false zvv title is still on my dog's ped and I sent the admins messages again...crickets. So anyone can enter any information on working dogs EU and doesn't mean its correct.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 23 June 2015 - 03:06

Not only that Joan where do you think eu got all their pedigrees when they started?


I am not worried about getting over run with requests because there are other admin who could help out with it and I can add more if needed.

I honestly think this is the best solution. I know it might be a hassle but it is what it is. It will get easier as we move forward and the rest of the programming gets completed.



by leoetta on 24 June 2015 - 21:06

So now instead of just tracking changes, in case of the odd chance someone puts misinformation on a dogs pedigree. I now have to contact some breeder in India, that is not even the breeder of my dog Mousy von Dakota mind you, but for whatever reason back when, he decided to be the one to add her pedigree even though he never had anything to do with her or any offspring, now I have to contact him if I want to update her pedigree???? This is ridiculous.

I had someone call me yesterday, take up 20 minutes of my day trying to figure out why he could not change the photo of his new dog he just bought, whose pedigree I had put on here as a favor to the previous owner while he was trying to sell her, and now random new owner calls to ask me to unlock, which I figure out I can't, so I have to give him my email, have him send me her new photo and then add it to the pedigree for him. I am sorry but I do not have time for that kind of crap.

I think tracking changes was good enough security for the pedigrees, especially if the admins are unwilling/unable to provide some huge support system of approvals for changes, which is alot to ask of volunteer admins. This is just not gonna fly. I mean give me a break, the information regarding titles and health certifications isn't even being verified with the systems that give them out, SV, OFA, etc, so what in the hell does it really matter. When someone can put whatever they want, and then no one can ever change/correct it, whoop de do, so their falsified information gets to stay intact, hooray for them!!

Unless you are going to verify titles and certifications with those organizations then the whole thing is really a free for all anyways isn't it? Locking pedigrees on here isn't going to make me feel more secure about the accuracy of the information I see on a pedigree, the only way I will think that is by verifying it through the proper sources, SV, OFA etc.

Rant over :)


by Jenni78 on 24 June 2015 - 22:06

Can no one read anymore? Seriously?


by Blue Frost on 24 June 2015 - 22:06

Leoetta - send me a PM with the name of your dog or dogs for transfer to you. You can refer all your new owners to PM for transfer of pedigree editing.

You could have had done that first, per previous posts in this thread. Would have taken less time on your part.

If you see any suspected false information, PM that. We do check when notified or as we find it.

by joanro on 25 June 2015 - 13:06

Leoetta says; 'This is just not gonna fly. I mean give me a break, the information regarding titles and health certifications isn't even being verified with the systems that give them out, SV, OFA, etc, so what in the hell does it really matter. When someone can put whatever they want, and then no one can ever change/correct it, whoop de do, so their falsified information gets to stay intact, hooray for them!!'

It flies for workingdogseu ! Wdeu will not respond to complaints about false titles and incorrect description for dogs' pedigrees AND, they will not respond when ownership of a dog has changed.
Pedigree data base, on the other hand, WILL and does respond almost immediately when problems are brought to their attention. Some wingnut was taking the h/e off my dogs' pedigrees, so gsdlineage and myself were changing them back. Finally, gsdlineage had to lookup the ofa numbers on several of my dogs and put it on the pedigrees, to put a stop to the bad behavior...also, some people feel the need to put titles on dogs that have not earned them in order to use as sales pitch for offspring.
It's good to have the pedigrees lock out people who have no business making changes.


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