Juvenile Renal Dysplasia Genetic Testing - Page 3

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by jaggirl47 on 22 September 2012 - 23:09

Awesome post Videx, and spot on as well.

I posted the question of JRD testing on a breeding forum on Facebook. Most breeders are not even aware of JRD and are not wanting to test. I have also seen comments that the test is too expensive. It costs less than OFA of the hips.

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 23 September 2012 - 21:09


 Ah, that ol' favourite - the test is too expensive.

This is the one that really sets my teeth on edge....the tests are once only tests on breeding stock, but yes, I've heard before how 'expensive' it is to breed dogs, and how are we going to manage with all these new tests which keep coming out? Funny when you consider the costs of the test is probably well under half the cost of one pup.

Simple, can't afford the tests?   Don't breed.   Period.   The breed really doesn't need you.

by jaggirl47 on 24 September 2012 - 03:09

The test is a grand total of $135 for the German Shepherd. Compare this to the $1500 price tag on the pups. I think the $135 for the breeding stock would pale in comparison to replacing a $1500 pup. Then again, what do I know?

Abby Normal

by Abby Normal on 24 September 2012 - 11:09

Jaggirl You know what is ethical and right for the breed. Just a shame that some breeders don’t. The argument I last had on this issue was with a breeder who whined about the cost of a particular test, that when you added them all together hips, elbows, + new tests coming out (!) it would make it SO difficult for the breeder to afford them all. It was just one of the arguments put forward against testing for a particular disease(like your people on FB). The cost of ALL the tests added together were less than half the price of one puppy, and they were tests that just had to be done once on breeding stock. No, it's not the cost at all. They are worried that they are going to get a negative test, so their answer is not to test at all. God forbid they may have to adjust their breeding programme and forfeit a few show wins in the process. As I said above - the breed just does not need breeders like this.

by jaggirl47 on 24 September 2012 - 15:09

I don't breed and I don't plan to start. I do, however, like to do tests like these on my dogs. My breeder knows. I share all of the results with them. I just wish more would take advanyage of these tests.

We hear constantly about BYB's and how they are destroying the breed. Why is it any different for the reputable breeders? It isn't. I have seen time and again dogs produced with major issues. What happens? The major issues get hidden and not talked about.

Genetics are extremely important in breeding and these oportunities need to be taken.


by BlackthornGSD on 27 September 2012 - 15:09

How about a link to where one can do the test?

by jaggirl47 on 27 September 2012 - 17:09


The only GSD's tested in their program came from 1 breeder in the UK. 8 of their 25 dogs tested positive as carriers or double carriers. When I spoke with DOGenes, I asked what the percentage was for GSD's that carry. They told me that other than the one breeder, they could not get others to test to get a true number. They didn't have enough lines.

I do know a breeder that breeds WGWL has produced AT LEAST 2 that have died from JRD. That doesn't include the numbers affected but just do not show signs of it.

conmaira gsd

by conmaira gsd on 27 September 2012 - 19:09

I think you are mistaken jaggirl47 as I know of several breeders in the UK that have used this test

by jaggirl47 on 28 September 2012 - 03:09

conmaira gsd,

I got this info from DOGenes. They are the ones that do this test.

conmaira gsd

by conmaira gsd on 28 September 2012 - 08:09

I know DOGenes are the labs that do this test and I reiterate there are several breeders  in the UK that have used this test.

I am sure Videx will confirm this.


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