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by hexe on 18 August 2012 - 02:08

Dobermannman, did you not notice the "winky-face"            at the end of that post???  Or are you just pulling my chain?

If you REALLY think that this constituted 'practicing medicine without a license', then by all means, make haste and report this to the AMA.


by Jenni78 on 18 August 2012 - 02:08

Fresh Dog Bite Pix
by hexe on 18 August 2012 - 01:08


Post: 1385 of 1389
Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2003 02:31 am
"It's a good bit of dirt to lord over your friend, if nothing else. "

Geeeehosaphat, Jenni, I know you and beetree have a combative history with one another, but what kind of person thinks something like that?
That comment does little, save to tarnish you...

Seriously? Reread that when your comprehension and sense of humor are back intact...laugh
I find it bizarre that you of all people would be so utterly off the mark when interpreting my comment. I gave you more credit. Oh well. Won't lose any sleep over my further "tarnished" reputation. 

by hexe on 18 August 2012 - 02:08

Jenni, my apologies if your post was made in jest.  My digital Asperger's flared up [not mocking that--it is me, and I am it, digital and IRL]

That's why I need and love emoticons--makes things much clearer.  wink

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 18 August 2012 - 02:08

Actual footage ...

by Dobermannman on 18 August 2012 - 03:08

Dobermannman, did you not notice the "winky-face"            at the end of that post???  Or are you just pulling my chain?

>So what was the funny part? The specific and detailed instruction on where to go and what to
>purchase and what dosage etc. Or the part about "stabbing him in the butt cheeks" ?

If you REALLY think that this constituted 'practicing medicine without a license', then by all means, make haste and report this to the AMA.
>It's not what I think that matters. It's what a jury would have thought if BeeTree or anyone
>else had of followed the advise and someone had an allergic reaction and died. Are you really
>so dense you don't see the danger of giving medical advise (even if supposedly in jest) over
>the Internet?

>So how's the wait for the Final necorpsy and lab results and PI report for the other Hex coming?

Thomas Barriano

Or beetree, run to Tractor Supply or some 
similar farm type store, and get a needle,
syringe and a bottle of Combiotic. Then tell
the boy to bear down on a pillow, and stab
him in the ass cheek. Probably 25cc in one
cheek, every 2 days for 14 days 

by Dobermannman on 18 August 2012 - 03:08


It's not a real Chick Fight unless mud or jello are involved and there are a lot less cloths  :-)

Thomas Barriano

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 18 August 2012 - 03:08

New footage just in.

by beetree on 18 August 2012 - 03:08


I have a hard time thinking you have my back. Workingdogz made a wisecrack, because I'm a wisecracker. The bite however, is real. Healing well by most accounts.

Jenni, I don't like having to lord things over friends, because then I realize I'm a shitty friiend. Hexe knew I would take her comment in the manner it was intended, and that was one with no ill intent. I actually like it when hexe shows a humorous side. It is novel to me.

Chaz, I couldn't see much in that fight and that made me glad. I'm a lover, not a fighter. 

I had a thought about those dogs but now I'm just too tired and full, (lovely dinner out, LOL) to remember at the moment! LOL Have a good night y'all.

by hexe on 18 August 2012 - 03:08

"Are you really so dense you don't see the danger of giving medical advise (even if supposedly in jest) over the Internet?"

Yes. Yes, I am. See Jenni's post above.

"So how's the wait for the Final necorpsy and lab results and PI report for the other Hex coming?"

Before I answer you, I have to correct a misconception on your part. 

It's not "the other" Hex--there's an 'e' on mine, and it is pronounced when the word/name is spoken (IOW, it's not a silent 'e'). So it's 'hex-uh', which is not the same as 'hex'.

Now, to answer your question, the wait is going along just fine, and how kind of you to inquire of it!  As a matter of fact, the time seems to have flown by...seems like it was just yesterday we were still in the grips of a cold but dry winter.

And how is that litigation you were interested in working out, might I ask?

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 18 August 2012 - 03:08


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