Help needed in curbing a biting puppy - Page 2

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yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 20 March 2012 - 20:03

Agree with Yogi Bear  200%

My pups are IMPRINTED we will call it at 4 weeks and by the time they go home to a new home, they know what to bite...and where

they ARE allso sitting, Sitz AND  potty oriented for you to continue and  crate lovers...

Food drive helps take the BITE out of the person.USE food in hand hidden and learn all the tricks to teach your pup not to BITE you ...

Yes swat the nose , with a harsh PHOOEY..Only after several attempts to teach the pup not to bite you from behind on ankle or continues to bite you agressively......then swap hard with Phooey   use same word every time..... save the NO for big important have 2 seconds to give a rag, rope or some object to get the pups attention and praise him for doing good..never praise or reward a pup for biting...Praise for taking the object..

I forgot to add:::::   I tie a rag on a 4 foot rope or something to be able to pull from side to sid or get dogs attention without the dog biting my hands... can be 3 ft or 2 ft long...anything to keep your hands from being grabbed by mistake and it excites the pup to tug also...but do it gently until new teeth come in...and then still do not hang your pup unless they are like

Mine hang from mops in the box at a very young age but do not do as I do, do as I

GOOD luck

Lots of good advice...



by macrowe1 on 20 March 2012 - 21:03

I'm with Ace, redirect it with something that is appropriate. My Shepherd went through this, and I tried everything. I had to redirect it, and when she would bite me or someone else in the family, we would act like it really really hurt, and she would back off like she felt bad.
I don't agree with the "puppy breath" thing at all. I've had bitches come into our clinic who had ripped their litter to shreds, when they were really young, for nothing. It has nothing to do with a puppy having puppy breath, it has to do with the tolerance of the other dog.

by Bosslady998 on 20 March 2012 - 23:03

Wow - so many thoughtful replies so quickly! German shephard owners are the best!!! Thanks so much for all your advice. We've been digesting it and are going to start trying some stuff out. Key your fingers crossed for us!! Again -thanks!!!

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 21 March 2012 - 00:03

At 5 weeks old we get introduced to the Water Kong because it has a rope in it...keeps me safe!

Ball on a rope  is a must  but put up after dog plays
This is an 8 week old pup Jeremiah with a tug on a long plastic stick made for such...Look at his eyes....


by alboe2009 on 21 March 2012 - 01:03

Definately YR! That look could be: I'm going to win, this is all mine get away, I'm going to kick your **s! I have 4X4s buried in comcrete and one has a good size tug rope secured with this long spring. At 8 weeks that is one of the training aids. Reiker at ten yoa still takes on the post for a tug of war battle. Growling and digging in and clawing with all of his might to bring it down! All three dogs going at it has this post leaning to about one oclock. (Even with this large spring on it) They want to pull the post down. Had Reiker in his younger days going after basketballs to strengthen his jaws. He could grip a basketball. Tore the shreds out of everyone, socor balls etc.! 


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