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by Shawty on 08 October 2011 - 19:10

by SKI on 08 October 2011 - 20:10

It hurt to hear this. We know how much Hex means to Al, Marcia and Jeff and their friends. 

I hope they find the persons(s) who did this and the people that knew who did it. Too many times, people get away with this type of cruel and inhumane treatment of the animals, because those that knew about it just are too lazy to do anything or do not want their name associated with it (even though they condoned the behavior). Then, the abusers are allowed to do it again. Those people, both who do it and those that condone, are cowards and criminals.


by Rho on 08 October 2011 - 22:10

Oh may God,this is heart breaking to hear.My heart goes out to Al , his family and friends that knew and loved Hex. May you rest in peace beautiful boy!
I pray they get the person or persons  that did this to Hex!!

by hexe on 08 October 2011 - 23:10

Sickeningly, this outcome serves to cement the fact that this can not have been some random dog-snatching...this was personal and intentional, perpetrated to directly cause a grief so deep that the only thing that could surpass it would have been the killing of a person beloved by the Govedniks.  What better way to cut out the heart of someone you hate than to kill that which they love?  In the eyes of the law, dogs are seen as property and nothing more, so even if caught, the penalty for killing a cherished canine member of someone's family will be negligible at best...the vindictive, bitter and evil individual gets the satisfaction of breaking their target's hearts irrevocably without risking the price they'd pay for killing a human.

My heart goes to the Govedniks as their sadness escalates to all-encompassing grief, and I wish for them the small comfort that identifying who did this to Hex will provide.  Whether it can be proven or not, whether the cruel person or persons ever pay a legal price, if the Govednik family can at least determine who is responsible, they will eventually be able to move forward despite the truth that one never gets over something like this.

For Hex, there's now endless fields of challenging tracks to follow, an eternal supply of Kongs and balls and strong helpers wearing sleeves to keep him busy until his people join him in their time...and now, no one will ever be able to do harm to him again.

by workingdogz on 09 October 2011 - 00:10

Beyond sick.

No words to describe what kind of "sub-human" could be so cruel.

To whatever is responsible for this--> you are a d***less coward.

You are an oxygen thief.

You are NOT a human being.

If you had an issue with Al, man/woman up and take him on face to face.

But to stoop to such a level, wow, no words can even be found for a piece of shit like you.

I hope when karma finds you, all the suffering and cruelty you inflicted to both Hex and his family comes back to you tenfold.

You should do the world a favor and snuff yourself.

You can in no way contribute to society, are you that pathetic that this is the only way you could feel powerful?
Did you stop and kick some kittens today too? Maybe crush some baby birds?

SOMEONE else knows about this, an associate of whomever is responsible.

NOW is your chance to try and become a partial human, come forward with the name(s) of whatever did this.

I say whatever because there is no way this was a functioning human that could do something like this.
This kind of sickness usually only runs in the veins of child molesters and serial killers--once again, oxygen theives.
How about that? Make you feel better? You are no better than a child molester. You sick fu**.

If you are reading this, and I'm sure you are, turn yourself will be better for you in the long run.
I have a feeling if anyone else finds out who you are, you will suffer a well earned fate that will make what you did to Al, his family and Hex pale in comparison, and rightfully so.

I just put an envelope in the mail last night to Al for the reward, perhaps it's time the reward turned into a bounty?


by GSDtravels on 09 October 2011 - 00:10

Oh, I'm so very sorry :(


by BabyEagle4U on 09 October 2011 - 01:10

OMG Yes, this warrants a bounty !!


by Ruger1 on 09 October 2011 - 02:10

I am so sorry...


by Dot on 09 October 2011 - 10:10

The comments that I have read are scaring me enough to not want to know the details. I just want to send my sympathy to those who knew and loved Hex.


by sueincc on 09 October 2011 - 17:10

The following is a quote from Jeff, posted on many message baords:

"I am typing this holding back emotion.

We appreciate everyone's heartfelt thoughts.  We are doing an autopsy to find out what happened.  We would appreciate if everyone could hold back any conjecture at this time.  Say a prayer for hex.  Give your dogs a hug and enjoy them.  They are here only a moment but stay with us a lifetime. 

Al and Marcia appreciate the support... Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers



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