Obama the Socialist - Page 9

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by Micky D on 29 October 2008 - 18:10

 "Come, come, Mickey. We all know why some of the right-wing fringe use Obama's middle name. It is to associate him with Islam."

KTF, true or false.  McCain has put his foot down about insinuating Obama is a Muslim.  Heck, McCain rebutted a woman in a town hall meeting, when she expressed fear of Obama.  Senator McCain said, Obama is a family man, and you do not have to be afraid if he's elected president.

McCain has just about done everything but stand on his head, and democrats WILL NOT stop throwing slurs his way.

by Uglydog on 29 October 2008 - 18:10

Scotch Irish...funkymonkey

Home has been Ireland for my mothers side for over 250 years, best we can tell.  Dublin & County  Leitrim. 

Not sure what part of Scotland some of her descendents were from....still working on the geneology side

Gillespie was the Scotch name in one of our ancestors.

funky munky

by funky munky on 29 October 2008 - 18:10


Now this is no word of a lie,i gasped when i read your last sentence, my daughters sister in law married into the gillespie name, wow small world!!!!  And i was only mentioning the Scottish blood as that was the only one you left out,you actually mentioned the Irish/Italian etc, etc,etc,. liz

by Micky D on 29 October 2008 - 18:10

 "The use of other individual's middle names may be done in jest - to make fun of them or in other cases because they were known by their initials eg JFK, LBJ. Obama has never been known as BHO"

Well, does that make "B.O." fair game?  As for why the Democrats may have emphasized George Allen's middle name, especially in the light that his mother was so hounded for wanting her privacy, consider this:

Look at this link:


Well, well, well, right under "Jewish baby boy names" what do we see???  Why, "FELIX"!!  I'm SHOCKED, I tell you, SHOCKED!!!

Surely the fine people who post at Daily Kos and Democrat Underground were not jokingly comparing Senator Allen to a cartoon cat, were they?

Pot, meet antisemetic kettle.

by Uglydog on 29 October 2008 - 19:10

So we're 'related' funky!   Welcome to the Adams Family!     Quite a Kooky family. I think they all are really.

I have Catholics, Protestants, Maronite Catholics, Atheists & Jews in this extended family. 

Holidays & Get togethers are never dull...

funky munky

by funky munky on 29 October 2008 - 19:10



oh! i bet there not dull!!!!!  liz

by Uglydog on 29 October 2008 - 19:10

Sue...I'll never legitimize Hate or hate groups. I just expose hypocrisy. And I often see this Hate & Haters in Zionists, Israelis & Neo CONs.  Some of the worst kinds really. Surely you know this...

Notice this covert  Mossad agent -a Hamas 'terrorist'  Forgot to take button his shirt showing his Star of David.  WhoopsStar of david on terrorist.jpg (24487 bytes)


Or Abu Ghraib employee. Nice Zio Tattoo

tattoo_worn_at_abu_ghraib_by_prison.jpg picture by bill10979



by sueincc on 29 October 2008 - 21:10

Who, along with Lyndon Johnson, pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through?  I'll give you a little hint - it wasn't democrats.   (And, what party did that guy Lincoln belong to, again? Mickey D)



The truth is the Civil Rights Act was introduced by President John F Kennedy (Democrat).  It was then held up by the Southern Democrats, true enough.  However, when President  Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) signed it, those same Souther Democrats fled to the Republican Party.  So.......what then does that say about the Republican Party?!

I honestly don't see what any of this has to do with either party today,  so I really don't get your point. 

I do however, take issue with anyone feigning innocence regarding  the use of Obama's middle name by Republicans along with accusations he is Muslim, etc..  In fact  Palin saying he "pals around with terrorists" and McCain asking "who is he - really?"  is more of the same.  So now, near the end, McCain pretends to defend Obama  -  now that the damage has been done - oh how convenient for him.  Sorry, not buying it - actions speak louder than empty words.


by Micky D on 29 October 2008 - 22:10

 "I do however, take issue with anyone feigning innocence regarding  the use of Obama's middle name"

And I take issue with the way Democrats used George Allen's middle name to infer he was a Jew (he is a life-long Protestant Christian).

Sorry, but Democrats are not going to get away with using old Saul's rulebook.  You don't use that stunt if you're a Democrat, then run crying to mommy when the opposition does something similar to your candidate.



by Blitzen on 29 October 2008 - 22:10

Are you kidding me? Call me ignorant, but I never knew that Felix was a Jewish name until today.  I thought Felix was one half of the Odd Couple. Am I in the minority? Years ago my best dog friend was a Jew. I never knew it for 5 or  6 years  until one day she told me where her sister was getting married. Who the hell even thinks of shit like that in this day and age? Are there internet instructions on how to identify a person's race by deciphering their name?

Maybe if Allen were a Presidential candidate I'd recognize his name. Not a clue who he is, sorry.

And I say to myself......what a wonderful world


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