Gsds for bait - Page 6

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 02 July 2008 - 17:07


Some of you will turn anything into a personal arguement attacking each other like its going to acomplish anything.

The topic was baiting, I have seen this practice personally and if a GSD was used it was from lack of anything else available.  Dog fighting is not a pretty sight and the people responcible are breaking the law and should be prosecuted for it.

Gambling and ego drive this sport.   Many who raise Pit Bull's are just as ignorant as some who raise GSD's.   There's no shortage of fool's and idiot's out there.   

Instead of chasing your own personal agenda maybe something constructive can be done for these dog's.

Understanding come's first.


by Do right and fear no one on 02 July 2008 - 18:07

I have never said that Pits should be banned.  I have owned a couple in my life (rescues) that were wonderful dogs.  What I have said is that the degenerates who fight them, or just like showing off a Real Mans Dog as they walk around town, are the problem.

I don't want to get into the old argument with two face (not referring to you, two moons), that they are the baddest around in the dog world.  Been there and done that.  Remember "tuck and roll" (HaHa).

What I do want to say is that they are just like guns.  Accidents happen of course.  In the hands of bad people they can be bad and in the hands of good people they can be good.  Pits are just so much more capable of doing damage than your average dog.  Not to say that your average dog or ceertain above average breeds can not injure or kill, because they obviously can.  But the Pit is in a class by itself.  Hence why they are world renowned for their ability in dog fighting.

Pits can be wonderful dogs, but man, in his infinite wisdom (sarcasm) has made them too dangerous for society.  If you do not agree with that, then get one and live in just about any big city.  Most require you to have a fifty thousand dollar "Pit Bull" insurance policy.   That is if they will even let you possess one in their jurisdiction.  This may happen to the GSD in the future if things continue to go in the direction they are.   But that is a discussion for another thread.

There is dog fighting in my rural area and I have been attempting to find out when and where, and by who, but have not as of yet.  I just keep my eyes and ears open.  I do not investigate.  I have found out who is cock fighting in my area, but also found out that some of the participants are county sheriff deputies here, so I have not contacted the authorities yet.  I did contact Peta (because the person that I know that is a "judge" of these cock fights told me he wasn't worried about the authorities, but that he was mostly worried about Peta), but after conversing with Peta about this, I found them to be absolute nuts.  Transvestite nuts, for the most part, and I decided to not contact them anymore.

So, in a nut shell.  Pits could have been wonderful family companions, except for the degenerates who have ruined them, on the whole.  If your Standard Poodle gets in a fight with a GSD and no one is there to "break it up", chances are a trip to the vet will make things alright.  But if your Standard Poodle (which is a better dog than its appearance indicates) gets into a fight with a Pit and no one is there to "save" the Poodle, then your poodle will probably be history.  I just picked Standard Poodle out of the air.  It applies to most breeds.

by Abhay on 02 July 2008 - 19:07

DAYYUUUUMM!! Very few people are comfortable posting on any type of animal message board, that they called PETA to snitch on someone.

" I did contact Peta (because the person that I know that is a "judge" of these cock fights told me he wasn't worried about the authorities, but that he was mostly worried about Peta), but after conversing with Peta about this, I found them to be absolute nuts.  Transvestite nuts, for the most part, and I decided to not contact them anymore."

by Do right and fear no one on 02 July 2008 - 20:07

I called for the sake of the chickens (roosters) being tortured.  I did not report anyone.  I inquired as to what steps could be taken.  But you are right.  Some people do snitch and some do not.  I do report law breakers when it is innocent animals involved.  Some don't snitch no matter what.  Especially if it is their life long good ole buddies that are the ones fighting dogs.

I know the feelings of those on this boeard concerning Peta and I agree with them.  BUt at least I found out first hand what Peta is all about and decided against involving them.  I still have not decided on the coeect course of action concerning the cock fighting, being that I was told that local sheriffs deputies were involved.  I do not think that the FBI would bother to get involved in cock fighting, whcih is a misdemeanor and no more than a citation.

Sad that someone that claims "dog fighters are the scum of the earth" would not want someone to "snitch" on those that are doing it.  Too Peta, to the police, or to the world on the internet.  What have you done, Abhay, to help curtail dog fighting?

That's what I thought.  Nothing.  Instead you glorify it and talk in glowing and found terms of it and those you know that partake in it.

By the way, I am comfortable doing anything I think is right, regardless of what anyone on this board thinks or says.  I had never had an occasion to discuss anything with Peta and wanted to know what, if anything, they would do in certain situations.  As I said, I found them to be absolute idiots and told them nothing other than what I have stated on this forum.

Now, Abhay old man, go pound sand.


by Rainhaus on 03 July 2008 - 00:07




by MaxVonPotterdam on 03 July 2008 - 01:07

GSD's for bait,

So many rumours, so little time. I had the pleasure of hearing Cesar Milan speak in Baltimore about a year ago. He brought along his red pit bull, "Daddy." He told the audience that outside of the auditorium pit bulls were illegal and could be seized by animal control and euthanized. He added that this was not the answer, that the owners were the problem. And he added that in the 1970's everyone wanted to put down Dobermans. Then in the 80's it was German  Shepherds. In the 90's it became the Rottweiller. And so it goes. Until we can regulate WHO owns the dog it doesn't matter WHAT breed you're discussing. I don't know any of you on here, don't care to, and have my own info based on real experts, handlers, trainers, etc...  The one thing I know to be absolutely true is that Cesar has as many or more pit bulls than any "expert" on this or any other site. And not ONE of you can step inside his animal training center with those pit bulls UNLESS Cesar is there to call them off. So how much can your "expertise" do for you in the belly of the beast?

Another footnote, I work with a lot of teenagers who are highly impressionable especially when it comes to violence of any kind. Many of them buy into this myth of a pit bull's jaws "locking." I have shown them data to refute this, but the urban legend and their fear of this breed make it impossible to convince them. As Cesar said, the jaws don't lock the animal's brain locks, and the pit bull would rather die than submit. That is what defomes them as a fighting dog in the first place. Now as far as a pit bull always sending another dog to the mortuary, don't bet on it. I had two long haired german shepherds that were protection trained for four years by military K-9 handlers. One day a young wanna be kid in my town was walking his very large, white pit bull down the sidewalk in town. I moved to the right to let him pass, and he decided to sic his pit on my two. He lunged low like all pits do against larger prey and my big GSD beat him to the punch and got lower, pinning him to the ground. My other GSD jumped on his back and took a chunk out of the back of his neck. The young guy screamed, pulled his dog away, and kept moving. Don't believe everything you read or hear. Real life doesn't play by the rules of rumours.





by petlover on 03 July 2008 - 03:07

well many of my points were proven in a couple posts by one particular poster here. I assure you I am no one else here but me and although I do not know who abhay is, if he resides in the US I already have an idea from just looking at this thread.

This thread was posted on a rather popular anti-BSL list so I guess that also shows who here is wanking themselves off, who are peta lovers and amateur dog gestapo (and there are two on this thread that I can see right off), and who is trying to prevent the government from taking all of our pets from us, one breed at a time.

I said "pit bull" isn't a breed (notice the quotation marks), neither is "pit", "pitt", "pittie" or any other slang/pejorative the ignorant here or elsewhere use to refer to any variety of dogs which might ever so slightly resemble the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier or several other breeds of the bull and terrier type. Anyone even ever seen the "find the real pit bull" site?

I don't know anyone here but "fear no one" is an obvious choice for a liar and h$u$ plant. After directly contradicting his/her own statements in two sentences ("I have been attempting to find out when and where, and by who, but have not as of yet. ...I do not investigate.")

and then making comments like this,

Pits can be wonderful dogs, but man, in his infinite wisdom (sarcasm) has made them too dangerous for society. ... This may happen to the GSD in the future if things continue to go in the direction they are. But that is a discussion for another thread.

Guess what? That has already happened and if you cared one whit for the true dogs of either the GSD or any other breed you would know that already.

also claiming chickens are "tortured" by cock fighters (never mind tyson, lol) and referring to dog fighters as "the scum of the earth" is ever so obvious that she is likely to be one of the overly emotive, animal obsessed women that has trouble valuing humans over animals and substitutes pets for the lacking human bonds in their lives. These AR nuts in hiding usually come in clutches as they have their own private board for keeping up on sites and threads such as this. Let me guess, you think hunting or racing dogs is cruel too and probably horse racing should be banned as well. Tethering and penning should all be banned and we must all keep our pets as high strung, overly pampered pseudo-children. I'd bet that you also moved to that "rural area" from a city.

by Do right and fear no one on 03 July 2008 - 06:07

petlover or whoever you are.  I don't know what to say except


I can't decipher what you wrote above.  Are you in a foreign country (meaining not in the U.S.A.)?  Your grammer, comprehension and sentence structure is all mumbo jumbo.  Are you saying that I and Abhay are one and they same?  And here I thought that you and he were one and the same. 

Shows just how dumb I am.  BUt then maybe we are all Abhay, or he is all of us,, I am so confused now.  Am I me?  Are you you?  Is he he?

Capt. Max:  first off, I just don't see some guy sicking his Pit on your dogs right in front of you.  Possible but hard to believe.  Secondly, if this did happen, then you had two GSD's against one Pit.  Thirdly, the kid just pulled his Pit away and all stopped?  Or did he just give a command for his dog to stop and that was that?  Then he just walked on down the street and there was no WTF from you to him?

What is someone who is a "wannabe kid"?  Is that a senior citizen who wants to be young again?

B.S. Alert! 

Another Abhay identity alert!

Too f'en funny.

by petlover on 03 July 2008 - 13:07

you really are a nut aren't you?  you think everyone is this other guy?  did you even bother checking that what I posted was true?  this thread was crossposted on a rather popular bsl list and so is getting much more attention than just the regulars from here.  get a grip on reality and please try to overcome your ocd long enough to break out of the 'everyone is abhay' paranoid rut you've dug yourself into.

I may have been pressed for time as I made my last post and my grammar may not have been perfect but you have the nerve to try and take me to task for that when you have numerous typos, grammatical and punctuational errors in your own post?!  ha! 

I thought I was giving you a schooling in bsl and responsible dog and pet ownership yet you think despite your lack of excellence in the english language you'll attempt to give a course on that and distract from the valid points I made against you and your AR brethren.  what a fool. 


there are none so blind as those that will not see.

(that's a quote and not my own bad english btw, lol)  and the ARistas are lead amongst those who would spout inflammatory bs whilst burying their own heads in the sand rather than risk being exposed to some truth. 

by Do right and fear no one on 03 July 2008 - 14:07

Usually we start our sentences with capital letters.  But I like your style so much more.  Nut.



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