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by Do right and fear no one on 24 August 2007 - 03:08

should have read:

Answer:  First off, all three of my children attended college.  The two oldest have graduated and have their degrees and the youngest is currently in college.  Secondly, if you would have read some of my previous posts, you would know that approximately last month, I wrote on this site that I have one daughter-in-law that is Puerto Rican (making my only grandchild half Puerto Rican)(he is the apple of my eye)and one daughter-in-law that is black (African-American if you like).   Additionally, I have posted recently on this site, that my best friend in the whole world is Gary Kane, a black man who is currently a Sergeant with the Cleveland Police Department.  I even posted a picture of him here.  Call him (second district 216-623-5200)and ask him who is best friend in the whole world is, without even mentioning my name to him first.  He will either answer "W" (what he calls me) or he will say "Walter".  He would get a kick out of it.  Of course, knowing him, if you are a female, he might just answer "you are sweetheart".  He has a great sense of humor, and is the wisest person I have ever met.  He talks a little slow but don't let that fool you.  He chooses his words carefully, and is as I said, extremely wise.

Do these sound like racist children that I have raised?  Does it sound like their parents are racists?   BOOYA idiot.

by lifeisbeautiful on 24 August 2007 - 04:08

Do right, your powers of comprehension are clearly wanting! You remind me of someone who lacks a censor between what goes on in your brain and what comes out of your mouth - or in this instance the written word. A form of verbal diahrrea seems to take a hold of you.

Read what I posted in response to Shawn when I expressly stated that I was not accusing you or anyone else on this thread of being a racist. As I posted to Shawn, I don't know you from Adam so how can I possibly accuse you of racism? So that entire diatribe about not being a racist is moot.

Your kids completed college - in which case why, pray tell, the comment about my children doing the same as "Cheney and Bush. College and then chase the almighty dollar"? Is it because your children could not find well-paying jobs? 

Oh, and as far as the answer to your question, clearly you will never understand my point. Perhaps it is that same inability to comprehend simple concepts and language or perhaps it has to do with our very different backgrounds. Not a value judgement, I hasten to add - like I said we are all to one degree or the other impacted by our environments.

Also about my being a "liberal" you really should learn to stop labelling people because there are frequently nuances which introduce complexities. I have no problem being called that but my "liberal" friends and associates would be amused to hear that about me given my views on other issues besides Iraq. On the other hand, my conservative friends would probably agree with you - at least in part. The former consider me to be a "closet conservative" and the latter view me as a "closet liberal".  I know you don't like nuances and complexities since you did say  that you see everything as black or white which certainly makes life simple but does result in a myopic view of the world.

Well, I have to call it quits for tonight and I do have a fairly full day tomorrow so try not to indulge in a host of invectives as to the reasons for my silence.



by Do right and fear no one on 24 August 2007 - 05:08

Again (geesh, I am so tired of ripping apart your meager attempts at having a discussion of ideas), you wrote:

"If my children had been raised by you they would most likely never have gone to college. But yes, they would all have ended up being caricatures of Rambo. See, it has less to do with genetic makeup and more to do with “nurturing”. My children are not racists – but if my children were brought up by racists, they would likely end up inculcating those attitudes."

clearly indicating that if your children had been raised by me or someone like me, they would most likely have not gone to college and most likely would have been racists.

Secondly and lastly (because you are a lost cause and I am never going to penetrate that iron head of yours), my comment about your children chasing the almighty dollar after college was in direct relation to your assertion of how your children went to college and made are successful, and my comment also about the Bush/Cheney being like your children in that regard, is because you made statements that that Bush/Cheney did not do their duty to their country, dodging military duty and such, and finaly, my comment also covered the point that some of my children DID gratuate college and DID do serve their country in the military and is doing thus right now.

You are so friggin unable to seee the forest for the trees, that you remind me of a horse wearing blinders.  You see only in one direction and can not comprehend any idea that is not in line with your pre-conceived concept of the way things must be, because of your liberal upbringing (read: indoctrination).  Your children went to college and became successful.  My children went to college and served their country (two out of three did so), and then are successful or well on their way.  NOW DO YO SEE THE DIFFERENCE, since I explained it as well as I can, given I am from a deprived upbringing, and from a low social economic background (so obvious to you since it must have been since, I enlisted in the military).

by Do right and fear no one on 24 August 2007 - 05:08

As for labelling people.   I call a spade a spade.   Liberals are afraid of offending someone.  I am not.  I do not and will not contort myself in order to get a point across, without offending someone.  People are labeled all of the time.  Skinny, sharp, moronic, brave, cowardly, hawk, dove, liberal and conservative.  Surely you are not suggesting that you NEVER label people?  You have labeled me, Bush, Cheney, and all of those like me, including our brave military personnel, in more ways than one, and besides, you proudly wear the label of liberal, according to your own words.

I am done with you.  This has become boring and you are just too dense and, well, frankly, unarmed.  Have a nice day and please, please, vote for Hillary.  You and your kind deserve her being your leader, but just remember that old saying "be careful what you ask for, you just might get it".

P.S.  Just one more parting shot.  You still HAVE NEVER EVEN TRIED TO ANSWER MY QUESTION!  Because you don't have a clue!  If only you had time to take a poll, or consult with "a village".

Now go back into the closet (in the dark is the way I interpret it), but turn on the light this time and hopefully, just maybe, when you come out again, you just might be ....Naw, nevermind, there is no chance.

Nuff said.

by GoldenElk on 24 August 2007 - 13:08

Republican senator John Warner is calling for the troops to be brought home from Iraq. I guess according to the "logic" of the majority here that makes him a quivering liberal prepared to ball up in the fetal position...


Republican turns on Bush

IRAQ | Senator who led Navy says 'we simply cannot' keep troops at risk

August 24, 2007

WASHINGTON -- President Bush should start bringing home some troops by Christmas to show the Baghdad government that the U.S. commitment in Iraq is not open-ended, a prominent Republican senator said Thursday.

The move puts John Warner, a former Navy secretary and one-time chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, at odds with the president, who says conditions on the ground should dictate deployments.

Warner (R-Va.) said the troop withdrawals are needed because Iraqi leaders have failed to make substantial political progress, despite an influx of U.S. troops initiated by Bush this year.

The departure of even a small number of U.S. service members -- perhaps 5,000 of the 160,000 troops in Iraq -- would send a powerful message throughout the region that time was running out, Warner said.

''We simply cannot as a nation stand and continue to put our troops at continuous risk of loss of life and limb without beginning to take some decisive action,'' he said.

Warner's new position is a sharp challenge to a wartime president that will undoubtedly color the upcoming Iraq debate on Capitol Hill. Next month, Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker are expected to brief members on the war's progress.

A White House spokesman, Gordon Johndroe, declined to say whether Bush might consider Warner's suggestion.

Republicans, including Warner, have so far stuck with Bush and rejected Democratic proposals demanding troops leave Iraq by a certain date.

Warner is known for his party loyalty. His suggestion of troop withdrawals is likely to embolden Democrats and rile some of his GOP colleagues, who insist lawmakers must wait until Petraeus testifies. His stature on military issues also could sway some Republicans.

Warner questioned the effectiveness of the leadership in Baghdad, which a U.S. intelligence report released Thursday also cited. The National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq does not anticipate a political reconciliation in the next year and predicts the Iraqi government will become ''more precarious'' because of criticism from various sectarian groups.


by GoldenElk on 24 August 2007 - 13:08

I have but one question for the liberals on this board who are complaining about this war;  If what we're doing in Iraq is soooo bad why then do the vast majority of soldiers sign up for additonal tours????  Could it be that we're possibly not getting the facts about what's going on in Iraq.  Could itbe that the liberal media wants a Democrat in office so bad that they are afraid to report the truth????  Personally, I think it's because the mainstream media have stopped reporting the NEWS and only report their "version" (opinion) of the news. 


Smokey – the war in Iraq is bad because it diverted our military from the proper course of action: capturing Bin Laden. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the presumption that taking military action against an appropriate enemy target is liberal..liberal means excessiveness, lack of moral restraint. If anything the Iraq war is a perfect example of liberal doctrine.

Regarding the troops doing multiple tours: Most are not volunteering to go back a 2nd or 3rd time, most are being forced to, further the military is having problems meeting its recruiting goals, thus recruiters are targeting high schools in higher numbers to reach the video game playing set hyped up on digitally educed fantasies of valor.

Our military is being abused, their loyalty and bravery taken for granted. While Haliberton is making billions, our troops have been forced to resort to depending on Iraqi’s for food and raiding trash heaps for refrigerator doors to reinforce their vehicles. Then when they are wounded in theatre they are shipped back home where they are denied proper medical care and are forced to convalesce in roach and rat infested veteran hospitals, afterwords many have to sign up for welfare because military compensation is abysmal. Remember, Haliburton is making billions off of this war.

Instead of painting the situation with a broad brush and treating it like its gang warfare, the blues vs the reds, conservatives vs liberals, I think more of you need to open your eyes to the full picture. Myopia is a plague on this nation and while the middle and working class fight amongst themselves and pose pissing matches between who is the better patriot, the rich, greedy and morally corrupt continue to cut the legs from under this nation. The Constitution grants us the right to bear arms not to go shooting out with our buddies on some half-ass backwoods hunting trip, but to protect us from a corrupt authoritarian, fundamentalist government.

The news - with more media being bought up by huge conglomerates (for instance Rupert Murdoch of Fox News fame just purchased the Wall Street Journal), I honestly find it difficult to fully trust any of it, but if you search the net, you will find the postings from soldiers who have been and are returning to Iraq who share their views and criticsm of this war quite poignantly. Even better, talk to the soldiers themselves.

by Do right and fear no one on 24 August 2007 - 14:08

I talk to some of the soldiers quite often and find that they all believe what we are doing in Iraq is needed and working.  They also desire to do second or more tours there, because it makes them feel good knowing what they are doing.

I will admit that maybe I talk to those that are in my circle and my circle may consist of persons who generally think as I do.  I will be up front with that probability.

Having said that, I also see a lot of military personnel in Iraq being interviewed and stating the same types of things.  Yes, there are also some who state the opposite and I understand their feelings about it, but at least they did their share and they deserve accolades for that.

You liberals (here is your diffinition of liberal: "liberal means excessiveness, lack of moral restraint") just don't seem to get it.  They (the fanatical Muslims :Al Qaeda, Taliban, etc) have GIVEN A VOW TO ALLAH THAT THEY WILL DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO ERADICATE ALL THAT ARE NOT MUSLIM, FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH, EVEN IF IT MEANS THEIR OWN DEATH, AND IN FACT, DYING DOING SO, WILL GET THEM THE GREATEST REWARD ONE CAN EARN FROM GOD". 

Now, what are the possible solutions to deal with that situation.  hmmmm, let's see..........................................................................................................Okay.  Only thing I can come up with is to kill them.  Do as the Holy Quran (Koran) states that they should do to us.  "Go to them, where ever they are, and kill them".  Their bible, tells them to do that to the infidels (Christians and Jews and any other religion that is not Muslim).  It is the only answer for us also.  You can not ignore them.  You can not reason with them.  It is their religion and they take their religion much more seriously than we Christians usually take ours.  It is a matter of survival and the only winning solution.  If you think that asking them to reconsider the edict of their religious beliefs, and let us alone will work, then you are in la la land, and don't have a clue.

Oh, one more thing.  Liberal Democrat (one ya'll chose as your Vice Presidential candidate a few years back) Joseph Lieberman, has backed this war in Iraq from the start and is one of its STRONGEST supporters to this day.  But of course, Hillary Clinton also backed this war in Iraq in the beginning, giving a wonderful speech in front of congress when the authorization to engage in the war was being debated, and took bows and accolades after our initial unseating of Saddam.  Exceptions on both sides of the fence can always be found.  Posting large sized letters here making a big deal out of an exception, is rather, how should I put it, .......weak.  We could both do that all day.

It is about survival of our kind, and by that I mean those that are not of the Muslim faith.  It is nothing more or less than that.

Since you liberals out there could not or would not take a stab at answering my original hypothetical question about parenting, let me ask another hypothetical question about world politics, and see if you have the guts to tackle it.

Question:  If the United States was out of food and/or oil, and the only people in the world that had it was the Arabic nations and they refused to sell us any, telling us that they hoped and desired that we all die from doing without oil or food.  What would you suggest we do?  Pick one or the other of those two things, oil or food or use both.  What would you suggest the U.S. do under those circumstances?  I will tell you upfront my answer this time.  Maybe it will help you to come to a decision what YOU would do (but I doubt it).  If I was the President, I would go to war with them and MAKE them share with us.  Period.

Waiting again.


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