Steroids Used when Showing Dogs? - Page 1

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Dawn G. Bonome

by Dawn G. Bonome on 19 October 2007 - 19:10

Do you think there are any dogs that are shown that are put on steroids, to bulk them up when they are showing? Can dogs be checked for steroids before showing? What would happen to a Breeder if caught doing this? If it is one of the top males, and the male is used for stud, can this hurt the breed genetically? I figured I woulld ask this since Baseball, Football, Track, and Bicycle people do this in order to win, why not people with top dogs?

Anyone know?



by Bucko on 19 October 2007 - 20:10

It could be done.  I think it is unlikely that dogs would put up with injections every day, but they could easily take the less effective bills and potions.  I can think of things I probably shouldn't mention that could affect growth and muscularity.

It seems very unlikely that it could affect genes of offspring.


by Abhay on 19 October 2007 - 22:10

I reply to posts when I know about the topic. I write from events I have experienced and seen. I have been around athletes both canine and human all my life.  I am very aware of what competition at top level entails.

I am hesitant to reply to this thread, as I'm certain I will be flamed as an abuser of AAS and a dope dealer. a querry about AAS was posted, so I will reply.

There are no injectable AAS that would be given every day. The best steroid for a canine's conditioning period will vary from Conditioner to conditioner. I know some who refuse to give their charge an IM injection during the training period
They will give B 12 injections Sub Q, but only use tabs for their AAS.

For tabs most prefer Anavar. For an injectible most prefer Equipoise(boldenone undecylenate). This is a very safe roid. It has an active-Life of 7-9 days, so weekly injections suffice.

The use of AAS(Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids) in canines is certainly nothing new.  Top greyhound Racing kennels have been using them for decades.  The use of AAS have certainly not been limited to Greyhounds either.

No Steroid is a magic elixir. They are simply a tool that aids the Canine or human athlete in recovery, muscle building, and some like Equipoise will increase the Red blood cell count and aid in the transport of oxygen as well as improve nutrient transport, making less food become more efficient.

You would really have to give crazy massive dosages, to cause damage to a Canine with a cycle of AAS. If done properly there shoud be no negative effects what so ever.

Just like humans, some Canines are better candidates for AAS, and their bodies respond better than others. Other variables come into play as well when thinking of using AAS. I would be much more apt to use AAS on a hard gainer, than I
would an easy keeper who has difficulty losing fat and unhealthy weight.

A trainer of a performance dog should stay away from Winstrol or Winstrol-V as Winstrol increases collagen synthesis. It will give bigger tendons. However, the body compensates for this by making them more brittle, weaker, and more prone to injury. I can't tell you how many athletes work out anaerobically and become injured while on winstrol. Baseball players who sprint all out from a stationary position, winstrol should be the LAST drug they choose. Most of them like winstrol because they don't get the weight gain from it but it is very detrimental to athletes who train for any sport anaerobically. Tendons tear easily on it.

In the 70's I knew dog trainers who loved the Roid Maxibolin. It was popularwith most all DVM's. In reality Maxibolin had very weak Anabolic properties.

I even knew dog trainers of weight pull dogs, who would put a few Cheque drops on their charge's tongue right before Showtime. Cheque drops had no anabolic(muscle building) properties what so ever, but their androgenic(masculinizing) properties were off the charts. 

In regards to canines with joint problems, I assure you that there is nothing on the planet that aids joints as well as Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate). Deca works on two fronts as an androgen, which have well-documented effects on
corticosteroids, and as a progestin to reduce inflammation. Knowledgable DVM's use Deca to treat canines with renal failure. 

The outstanding NCAA Heavy Weight Champion Wrestler and MMA Fighter, Mark Kerr, put it best when he said,"Steroids will not make you crazy if the tendency isn't there already just as they won't make you a great athlete if you aren't

by Abhay on 19 October 2007 - 22:10

The outstanding NCAA Heavy Weight Champion Wrestler and MMA Fighter, Mark Kerr, put it best when he said,"Steroids will not make you crazy if the tendency isn't there already just as they won't make you a great athlete if you aren't already. Here's what they will do. If you run the 40 (yards) in 4.6, you can get it down to 4.4. If you bench 400 you can increase that to 450. If you have a vertical (jump) of 36 (inches) you might get to 40. But you have to be great to be greater, it's not as magical as many perceive."

Below is something I copied from the internet site JustGreyhounds.

Anabolic Hormones

These are drugs that are related to testosterone (the male hormone). Uses :

To improve weight gain in dogs which have lost weight either after breaking in or after illness.
To improve weight gain in lightly built dogs.
To promote healing muscle, tendon and bone after injury.
To increase tissue strength in dogs that repeatedly tear muscles, sprain joints, or develop stress fractures of bones.
To stimulate timid dogs to chase and compete more keenly.
To stop bitches coming into season.
To stimulate blood formation in anaemic dogs.
Side Effects

Both bitches and dogs may become very aggressive and "fight".
Bitches may become sullen and depressed, causing them to race poorly.
Bitches may develop bladder and vaginal infections.
If used in young dogs and bitches they can cause infertility.
There are many different types of anabolic available. Some affect the dogs personality more than others, while some have stronger tissue healing capabilities than others. Individual dogs may react differently to different anabolic hormones!

To promote muscle development Laurabolin, Methandriol, Nandrolin Stanazol, Boldebal-H, or Drive injections give a good response. To promote stimulate chasing use Nandrolin or Durateston in bitches and Drive in male dogs.

Oral anabolics that are useful are Anaplex and Nandoral tablets.

For bone fractures, metacarpal soreness, and tissue healing especially after surgery, Reepair injections give an excellent response.



by BabyEagle4U on 19 October 2007 - 22:10

Equipoise I use on my Race Horses (Geldings) an androgen ... pretty much increases red blood cell production, and increases oxygen uptake. For horses it produces super strength gains and tremendous muscle when taken in a 2cc doses a few times a week. I know other trainers that give 10 CC injections every 2 weeks and others that give 10 cc doses 48 hours out a race plus 10 cc every week. Serious results either way ... LOL talk about land sharks.

I use Equipoise with Ventipulmin Syrup for max benefits. Amazing.

I wouldn't imagine using either on my dogs though, especially studs with Equipoise.... if it has the same results as on a horse .. I have 3 horses on Equipoise now that I have to put danger and orange standing cones around that area because they will literally tear your head off or any flesh they can grab. They are a joy to ride otherwise. Equipoise also makes them shine like glass.

Here's a pix of a F Bomber ... to show you the glass on the coat. :o)~


by Abhay on 19 October 2007 - 23:10

Your right on spot BabyEagle.  Equipoise is used on Horses, Canines, Roosters and Humans.

 Never should anyone give a blanket dosage, of say 1/2 cc. Different brands of Equipoise have different potency. Alin has an equipoise that is 250mg per ml. Ganabol has one that is 50mg per ml. Since a cc = ml, you can see that a cc of one is 5X stronger than a cc of the other.

There are many brands out there. Here are just a few
BOLDENONA-E (Balkan Pharmaceuticals)

If one had an underweight canine who could benefit from a 6 to 8wk cycle of Equipoise, most any knowledgable DVM would agree to weekly injections of 50 to 75mg's.


by Abhay on 19 October 2007 - 23:10

Equipoise (Boldenone Undeclynate), or "EQ" is one of the most widely used compounds by athletes today. Even though it is a vetrinary steroid, the quality of production is quite high due to its use in rather expensive animals. It is one of the safest and most effective steroids used today, by athletes, power lifters and bodybuilders. It can effect slow and continuous muscle mass and strength gains over a prolonged period, and generally cycles with this drug tend to be quite long because of this fact. Gains on a cutting cycle including Eq tend to be high quality lean mass, while bulking cycle gains with Eq aren't as "clean" but still have a very nice quality about them. This could be due to Eq's resistence to being converted to Estrogen, as well as DHT (technically, it converts to Dihydroboldenone).


Equipoise has become much more popular in recent years since dosages hit 200mg/ml

Men get good results from a 300-600mg weekly total.   Recently, companies like British Dragon have begun offering Boldenone in a much higher concentration (200mgs/ml) making injections much easier.  Women have made excellent progress with dosages of 50-100mg total weekly doses, and this usually means a  1 injections weekly schedule. Women as a rule, seem to prefer less scar-tissue build up than men are comfortable with.  In this dose range, women almost never report virilizing side effects, and usually only experienced an elevated libido. Increased hair growth on face and legs is, of course, possible (though not probable)..

Liver toxicity is not an issue with Boldenone, and it can be used for long times on eit


by Bucko on 21 October 2007 - 02:10

Wow.  Very knowledgeable and revealing.  Thanks for having the courage to share it here.

by Abhay on 21 October 2007 - 03:10

Thank You Bucko, I really appreciate that! I still can't get over BabyEagle's Bomber. That has to be the most beautiful Horse I have ever seen.


by jletcher18 on 21 October 2007 - 03:10

so the question still remains,, do you think people are using steroids on their dogs before they show them.

i dont know.  i have never heard of it.  knowing some of the things that people do(shoe polish to make colors or hide light spots),,, it would not surprise me to find out that it is happening.






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