Chris York
| CH. Hiram Optima Grata
| IPO 1 ATIBOX JUGENDSIEGER Ego de Joanxichcan IPO 1 | IPO 2 ATIBOX-JUGENDSIEGER Ago del Colle dell'Infinito IPO 2 LOI99/197422 | VPG1, AD MULTI CH Ibsen von der Sembacher Flur VPG1, AD DBZB/195218 |
Tullia del Colle dell'Infinito |
Ankara de Joanxichcan | SCHH 1, AD, ZTP, SEL MULTI CH Caruso di Soragna SCHH 1, AD, ZTP, SEL |
Yuma de Vallgorguina LOE/1056075 |
IPO 1 ZTP Anthea Optima Grata IPO 1 ZTP | INT.CH.CH. Ravel du Val d'Europe | IPO 1, AE (AD), APE, ZTP, SEL EC3 CH. Perico du Val d'Europe IPO 1, AE (AD), APE, ZTP, SEL EC3 LOF/111898 |
Ocre de Sullieu |
ZVV1 ZTP Constans Optima Grata ZVV1 ZTP | APE,ZTP,IPO1 FR.CH No de Sullieu APE,ZTP,IPO1 |
Ofelia Sili-tue CS |
CH Chris Honey
| IPO 1, AE (AD), APE, ZTP, SEL EC3 CH. Perico du Val d'Europe IPO 1, AE (AD), APE, ZTP, SEL EC3 LOF/111898 | VPG1, AD MULTI CH Ibsen von der Sembacher Flur VPG1, AD DBZB/195218 | SCHH1, AD Don Carlos du Fief des Ilots SCHH1, AD LOF/85373 |
SCHH2 AD ZTP Hummel von der Sembacher Flur SCHH2 AD ZTP DBZB/189508 |
Olinda dei Cavalieri del Monferrato | SCHH 3 MULTI CH Aaron dei Cavalieri del Monferrato SCHH 3 LOI/BX077662 |
CH Fedra del Colle dell'Infinito LOI/BX069901 |
Inka Mi-Vi-Si | Carlo Olimpio | CH. Antonio Del Colle Dellinfinito HR/11409 |
Wings Shella |
Mi-Vi-Si Fanta | VPG1 HUN CH Adaháti Buffalo VPG1 METBO/9501/97 |
3XCAC RES CACIB Bella MI-VI-SI '1997' |
Zoe di Kaco
| Woerpel's Ondo Von Landos
| Woerpel's Renegade Tank | No information about the sire | No information about the dam |
No information about the dam |
No information about the dam | No information about the sire |
No information about the sire |
Woerpel's Sierra | No information about the sire | No information about the dam |
No information about the dam |
No information about the dam | No information about the sire |
No information about the sire |
Kaco's Missing In Action
| Manfred von Landos | No information about the sire | No information about the dam |
No information about the dam |
No information about the dam | No information about the sire |
No information about the sire |
Kaco's Thats So Raven | No information about the sire | No information about the dam |
No information about the dam |
No information about the dam | No information about the sire |
No information about the sire |