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Siblings list for CH Lyric's Night and Day
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: HOF CH Lyric's Too Darn Hot ROMIII and father: AKC/ASCA HOF CH Carolina Bayshore Birdcage ROMXI DNA-CP
Mother: Barking frog's C'est la vie and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
Mother: Calais CN A Mirage of Carolina and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
Mother: Calais Deja Bleu and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
Mother: Calais' Deja Bleu and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
Mother: Dancin' Eyes Safe Haven RS-O, JS-O-OP, GS-N and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
Mother: Fireworks Sparklin O'Lena and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
Mother: HOF CH Lyric's Made Ya Look RN, JV-E, RS-N, OA, OAJ, CGC, ROMX and father: HOF AKC CH Heartfire's Prairie Schooner CD, AX, AXJ, RS-E, JS-E, GS-O, ROM, ROMX
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