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Siblings list for Red Banks Clay Basket ROM
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: ASCA Ch Alibi's Just Darcy #1 A.S. and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: CH Bayshore's Bon Voyage CD and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: Ch. Briarbrook's Miss America and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: CH Briarbrooks Jackie O and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: Cookin With Sage of Brigadoon and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: CH Copper Wiggles of Somercrest CD STDds and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: HOF CH Country Hotline of Agua Dulce CDX and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: Echo-Pines Sizzle Britches and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: Effervescense Of Happy Days and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Mother: ASCA CH Ellenglaze Calamity Bell STDS OTDD and father: HOF ASCA Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
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