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Siblings list for Ch. Sindelar's Eye of the Tiger
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Ch. Charbert Tonkawa Carmencita and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Chicago's KC Jones and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: CH Estrella's Rojita De Fraja CDX and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Ch. Evergreen's Sundancer and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Ch. Fraja Countess Dangereuse and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Ch. Fraja EC Little Lily and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Ch. Fraja Sunshine Maria and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Gator's Tryarr Honey Bear and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Gator's Tryarr Honey Bear and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
Mother: Ch. Gridiron's Queen Samantha and father: CH (AKC) Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt
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