Welsh Terrier

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Welsh Terrier

Welsh Terrier
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Welsh Terrier Jewelry Brooch Handcrafted Ceramic13.4 years agoWelsh Terrier
Welsh Terrier Gifts, Merchandise and Collectibles13.4 years agoWelsh Terrier
=13.6 years agoWelsh Terrier
Fixes to the website16.6 years agoWelsh Terrier

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Different Dogs: Different Exercise Needs

Different Dogs: Different Exercise Needs

All dogs need to be exercised everyday in some form or fashion.  The most common method is through the walk around the neighborhood, but is a short walk around the block enough exercise for your particular dog?

  • HD Zuchtwert Breed Value Assessment Number

    The best tool for breeders in the fight against canine hip dysplasia (CHD), to come along in years, is the SV's HD Zuchtwert, or Breed value assessment number (HD ZW). The HD ZW number is an estimation of the probability that a dog will produce progeny with CHD. 

  • Puppy Training: Raising the Perfect Puppy

    Is there such a thing as the perfect puppy? In all likelihood there is not.  There is always something one might change in any dog (or person really), but the goal should be to always strive towards raising a puppy to be its most perfect self.  This is hard work, to be sure, but it is not only possible, it is necessary.


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