Obamacare.....From those who have to those who don't have - Page 3

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by joanro on 28 June 2012 - 18:06

Blitzen, I don't watch Fox news. I also don't believe that insurance companies should gain through gov mandates.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 28 June 2012 - 18:06

"First, kieth, YOU DON'T pay ONE PENNY for any thing for me. I don't take hand outs, never have and never will. I have worked for every thing I've ever had or have."

Really?  Let's explore that; shall we?  Do you have children?  If you do, do you take a deduction for them off of your taxes?  If so, then yes, I do in fact pay for resources that you use.  Every person uses x amount of resources.  If you and I made the same amount of money but I pay more taxes because I have no dependents, I am paying more while using fewer public resources while you are paying less and using more, ergo, I am subsdizing you.

"Are you referring to southerners as 'You people'?"

I am referring to you right-wing zealots who spew your rhetoric without even knowing what you're talking about.  The only people who will have to pay under the individual mandate are people who can afford to purchase insurance but choose not to.  If you'd rather forego buying insurance so that you can drive a Cadillac instead of a Chevy, you get to pay and you deserve to because while I am not opposed to helping those who really need it, paying for the health care costs for people like that does sort of gripe my ass and it should yours as well.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 28 June 2012 - 18:06

"Blitzen, I don't watch Fox news. I also don't believe that insurance companies should gain through gov mandates."

They didn't until the Republicans put the change into the law.  So why aren't you pissed off about having to insure your car?

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 28 June 2012 - 19:06

"See what I mean? Too many only believe what they see on FOX News. Joanro, READ THE BILL."

Good post, Blitzen; too bad the OP never made it past this sentence.

by joanro on 28 June 2012 - 19:06

Kieth, you are waaaaay off base. I don't have children and you are very presumptuous saying that you subsidize me. I'm not a "right winger", independent would be a better "label" since you must use labels for people. Car insurance, in case you weren't aware, is not federally mandated, it is state mandated, as it should be. I don't drive a Cadillac or a chevy, I drive a very practical Ford Van that holds four BIG dog crates, so that I can haul my dogs comfortably and safely.. Lots of room in it 'cause it's full size, not one of those dinky, cutesie mini things. Like I said, you qualify for the" Bill Maher Head Up Your Ass Trophy".

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 28 June 2012 - 19:06

I never thought I would say this but thank you GWB for appointing chief Justice Roberts. The one and only smart move of a failed Presidency.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 28 June 2012 - 19:06

Well, if you have no children and have about the same income as me then you're right, I don't subsidize you but I do a whole hell of a lot of other people.  Same thing here locally where my property taxes are the same as those with kids whose schools I pay for.  I really don't mind...until they start bitching about how they have to pay for someone else's whatever.  Do you see my point?

"Car insurance, in case you weren't aware, is not federally mandated, it is state mandated, as it should be."

How is the state mandating you buy a product from a private company fundamentally different from the federal government requiring you do so?  You people just like to bitch and you have no idea what's even in the law you're bitching about.

And by the way, the Carolinas get more federal money than the federal government collects from them in income taxes so on some level, yeah, you are somewhat subsidized whether you want to believe it or not.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 28 June 2012 - 19:06

"I never thought I would say this but thank you GWB for appointing chief Justice Roberts. The one and only smart move of a failed Presidency."

I'm guessing he's not going to be on the invite list for Christmas dinner at the Scalia house this year. 

by joanro on 28 June 2012 - 19:06

Kieth, if a person does not like what a STATE mandates, they are still free to go live in one that suits them, at least for now. You can not get away from FEDERAL MANDATES by moving to a different state. Wrong again, Kieth, you don't subsidize me even IF the Carolinas "get more federal money". I don't receive anything from the state, but I do pay school taxes even tho I don't have kids, and I pay taxes for use of roads, convenient center, etc. sorry, but I live my life without your subsidies. And the Carolinas wouldn't need more federal money than is collected in taxes if the FEDERAL government had not allowed all their jobs to go to other countries.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 28 June 2012 - 20:06

"Kieth, if a person does not like what a STATE mandates, they are still free to go live in one that suits them, at least for now. You can not get away from FEDERAL MANDATES by moving to a different state."

Really?  And which states don't mandate automobile insurance?  Oh, that's right...none!  Sort of a moot issue; isn't it?

And you can get away from federal mandates...move to another country.

"Wrong again, Kieth, you don't subsidize me even IF the Carolinas 'get more federal money'. I don't receive anything from the state, but I do pay school taxes even tho I don't have kids, and I pay taxes for use of roads, convenient center, etc. sorry, but I live my life without your subsidies."

Not very good at math or logic are you.  The federal government contributes to infrastructure projects in your and every other state in the country...infrastructure that you use.

"And the Carolinas wouldn't need more federal money than is collected in taxes if the FEDERAL government had not sent all their jobs to other countries."

Really?  The federal government shipped these jobs overseas?  How is that possible if they're not the ones who create jobs in the first place?  Bain Capital, under Romney's direction, was responsible for shipping a lot of American jobs overseas.  Maybe that's what you're thinking of.


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