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Judy P

by Judy P on 25 September 2011 - 00:09

Before everyone freaks out - 3 puppies were diagnosed with Corona at 6 weeks following a visit from a potential puppy buyer (the other 10 never got sick because I spoted a problem right away and seperated them immed).  They were treated around the clock with fluids and antibiodics by me as advised by my vet.  They were completely recovered by 7 1/2 weeks and based on information from my vet they remained here until the 2 week period of them being contagious.  In fact 4 mals puppies were here for over 4 weeks following the recovery of the three sick kids. 
I once had an old breeder tell me that he never sold "pets" because owners were never satisfied with anything.  I now understand that but I just cannot euthanize puppies like he did.

by 4 mals2sheps on 25 September 2011 - 00:09

      Thank you Judy for just now after about a year informing me about corona which is contagious
your only statement was don't let brother eat her food leading us to believe she (aiyanna)was skinny because siblings would ate her food.


by Jenni78 on 25 September 2011 - 00:09

OMG. Corona is everywhere...only a danger to little pups, for the most part. You know they don't recommend vaccinating for it anymore because not only is the vaccine questionable, but virtually EVERY dog has been in contact w/corona? C''ll have to do better. I don't think I'm alone in wanting to know if Judy does indeed mistreat or neglect her dogs. I think people need to know the truth if there is truly something going on that isn't right to the animals. BUT- it had better be true and it had better be documented. Otherwise, you're the lowest of the low, slinging false accusations against someone. That is reprehensible. Put up or shut up.

by 4 mals2sheps on 25 September 2011 - 01:09

   Jenni78 What is your deal? you go from post to post to post starting arguments read Judies post she admitted the dog was skinny. In all my years in the vet clinlc not 1 case of corona was detected giarrdia,coccidia are the most common.So when the breeder comes on and confesses you still call me a liar.

Judy P

by Judy P on 25 September 2011 - 01:09

Yes I am horrible. I have ran a non profit rescue for 12 yrs.  I have seen the worst people can do to dogs.  We have fixed hare lips  on puppies when the breeder just couldn't deal with them.  Thanks to my wonderful vet and a medical supply company who donated the pig skin product used to repair this defect in not only dogs but people these puppies went on to live a relatively normal life.  I personally have whelped dozens of litters of puppies from shelter dogs, including a Beagle Momma with a broken elbow.  She was so close to delivery she could not have surgery to repair the fracture until her puppies were born and old enough to go a day without her.  It took 3 -4 trips to the vet every week to rewrap her leg, then a C-section when she couldn't deliver the puppies herself.  I have held dogs who's owners just didn't care  while they were humanely euthanized - yep I cry every time.  I have walked down the aisle in the shelter and had to decide who lived and who didn't.   I guess this makes me a dog abuser.
Again I invite you to visit


by alboe2009 on 25 September 2011 - 01:09

For Judy P, relax (a little). If that person doesn't sign off on your promotions, raises or even evaluations or anything else pertinent to your "quality of life" I wouldn't give a rat's ass what anyone will, could or would say.

Threads like these show some people just have too much time on their hands, in their lives. Sometimes you just don't want to comment But others........... I'm not here to pick sides but I'll definitely say I am aware or have read more threads from Judy  P than 4mals2sheps. I am big on CREDIBILITY so with that I'll put a few things out there;

4mals2sheps? your first post states you do not know either parties? But you post as if you were/are the person that went to buy the pups? (maybe I misread but it appears that way to me) If you were not the person that purchased the dogs or even in the yard then why would you even SPEAK. And if your speaking for your friend, GF, mate or whatever then why can't she speak? Someone not strong enough to speak for themselves definitely will have problems trying to control some HIGH DRIVE PUPPIES let alone any puppies/dogs.

Reading that first post...... maybe it's just me but that whole paragraph just doesn't jive? Are you saying the pups JUST turned 1 yoa and you're talking about when they were picked up or even at 12 weeks of age??? The way you write and examples, examples of what? Dogs agitated with the neighbors' dogs at the fence? These were pups right? You could not buy just one (Sounds like a potato chip commercial eh?) If that's what your attempting to post it does make me WONDER. But I'm still confused......... Did you buy these pups? But I thought you said you did not know either party? Were you there when buying the pups? Are they yours? If all of these questions are NO THEN WHAT DOES IT CONCERN YOU TO EVEN SPEAK LET ALONE TYPE ANY OF THIS ON THE PDB???


And Judy  P, remember a couple of things; here's one: Some people are like HEMMOROIDS (sp?).... they won't kill you but they are definitely a pain in the ass. Life is tooooooooooo short to let strangers get under your skin. ANYTIME AT ANY AGE!


by alboe2009 on 25 September 2011 - 01:09

4mals2sheps; I would say what Jenni78's deal is, is the information you typed in your 1st and 2nd posts. Just a guess! I'm always AMAZED when some think they can speak, doesn't matter if what they say hits a nerve BUT THEN whoever responds CAN"T give them CRAP in return. How do these people make it off the front porch?


by 4 mals2sheps on 25 September 2011 - 01:09

          Judy why are you on a public forum whinning about how terrible you are and  so forth if you would stop this it would go away.Ever hear of tho protest to much .Remember you brought this whole post up in a public forum .Its over!unless you feel the more you write the more people will believe.


by Jenni78 on 25 September 2011 - 03:09

Yeah, Alboe, that's pretty much what my "deal" is. Put up or shut up, as I said to 4mals2sheps. That means, show us something that says we should believe you, or stop raking someone over the coals on hearsay. Allegations of animal abuse/neglect are serious. I would be livid if I were Judy and didn't deserve this.

I didn't call anyone a liar; I just said if you're not lying, show us the proof. I am all for exposing anyone who is mistreating animals.


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