Who is in favor of using the TOS as the rules in OT? - Page 6

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by Hundmutter on 13 October 2014 - 19:10

Thanks for the link,  Admin.    Pheww, wot a long read !

Am glad I could not see all of MaggieMae's redacted contributions,

would have taken twice as long.  She was a right charmer, apparently ...


It cleared up some other bits of history / information for me, btw,  eg the

Janice stuff.   So it was interesting and worth it.   Yes it was informative

on what you went through and what Oli had to deal with, and the 'birth

of the mods'.

Thought it was ironic that Jim was on your side then;  as you say, very

telling after these 5 years have gone by.


by GSDtravels on 13 October 2014 - 20:10

Wow, that brought back some memories!  I even gave nona a big fat FUCK YOU, in caps, LOL

Middle Finger Cloud

mrdarcy (admin)

by mrdarcy on 13 October 2014 - 21:10



by rtdmmcintyre on 13 October 2014 - 22:10

GSDadmin  You must promise me one favor.  You must swear.   YOU MUST SWEAR NEVER USE THE SP AVITAR EVER AGAIN.  LOL 



I read almost that whole entire post.  its amazing, sad but amazing I can see the cruel ness of people on this board hasn't changed.  Names change but people stay the same. 



I still owe some emails I don't know if I will get to them today been a long day.  Please be patient with me.




by GSDtravels on 13 October 2014 - 23:10

Yeah, MaggieMae was a real charmer.  She came here, to a working dog site, with a show line dog, and was pissed off that nobody wanted to talk about show lines with enthusiasm.  She started all kinds of trouble, then enter nonacona.  Geez, we think it's bad now!


by rtdmmcintyre on 13 October 2014 - 23:10


GSD Travels nothing like a little history to kind of help put things into perspective. 

I was ready to walk because I felt things especially on off topic are just getting out of hand.  And maybe they are.  Some of the threads on the main topic boards were getting a bit rough.  But I don't think anything compared to that thread.  Some of the same people are around stirring things up and now I also better understand from that thread how they go about banning.  If it is still handled that way, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, it isn't a decision that any one admin makes and would not include an admin if he was involved in any way.  I don't know how ti could be a whole lot more fair then that.  Unless some benevolent person was involved. LOL   and I haven't seen a whole lot of them around. 


by rtdmmcintyre on 13 October 2014 - 23:10

I also noticed she went through and deleted her own comments.  she couldn't have been too proud of them.


GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 14 October 2014 - 05:10

She deleted most of her posts she could find. She also had a couple of very big supporters here. Supporters who egged her on and she in turn egged them on. I will tell you this and I have said it all along. SP was an act, SP wanted to get this site back to dogs instead of the racist and political non-sense that had taken it over. I have been here since this site was launched almost. I didn't sign up a name at that time, I mostly read here and learned. Life got busy and I didn't get here much. I was saddened, appalled and sickened by the total change in the site, when I finally had time in life to come back. From uglydog on down the line this place was twisted. I thought, I am going to try and even the tables so to speak and that is exactly what I tried. Was it disruptive, was I mean, was I an ass, maybe, was it wrong? I will let others judge it. I along with many others changed this site and whether they believe it or not this site is much better. Did that come with a loss of members, yes, did the biggest loss (banned members) come from the people who supported me, yes. Was it me who caused a lot of the resentment here, no, Oli made admins who were unknown to each other because he was worried admins would tell others who the admins were. So, imagine 8 admins all doing their own thing and deleting, editing and banning members with no discussion and everyone on their own agenda. One was a total swear Nazi and pissed a lot of people off because she deleted every swear word she came across. I eventually took most of the blame after that system fell apart. One admin who I will not name caused a lot of problems and finally I had enough and emailed Oli and said look at all this. The straw that broke the camels back though, was an admin (the members really respected) who used extreme personal attacks on members and when the members blew up she deleted all her attacks and really upset a lot of members. Again, I went to Oli and showed him the copies I had made. In the long run I was asked to be in charge.

I would guess that about 95% of all banned members excluding multiple names/scammers/spammers/animal abusers supported me pretty much 100% or at least used me to go after the ones they didn't like. Imagine my horror when one after the other turned on me over things that really were out of my control, like the admin who told everyone I was SP (really respected member). Like the admin who kept me up for 3 days arguing with me about us wanting to try and stop personal attacks on members. I also took considerable flack from some of the most well liked members here because I wanted to stop the personal attacks. Rumors are one thing but enflaming others to attack the admins and out and out lie. Saying stuff like GSD can read PMs( really respected member and officer). GSD is a black man from down south(who knows), GSD must be intercepting Olis emails(really respected member and officer), GSD is the devil, GSD is gay(really respected member and officer) and on and on and on. I tried the friendly approach at first it lasted about a week, when you attack, belittle, confront, bait and personally attack me, my mom, admins, the site and Oli - I give back what I get. Show me some respect and kindness and you will 100% get it back. Show me your ass and you might just get a boot in it.

There are many many many more instances of admins and members doing things like mentioned above and worse. I could write a book on this place if I had a good editor.

People don't know all the details but they sure know the gossip, rumors and hearsay. Then they use half the details and all the gossip to perceive what they want. They then tell others who have less info and an already set perception and it just keeps going. You may ask yourself and others why is GSD telling us all this and it is because I finally have had enough of it and I am going to lay as much of the facts as I can on those who are the biggest trouble makers on this site. Plus I think it is important that members who are new and are hearing the BS in PMs, know what has happened here. The facts, not some warped and twisted gossip mongers tales. I can back up all I am saying here with facts. Not rumors, not gossip and not someone elses twisted perceptions of half of what happened. 

Finally, in all reality it is members who are driving people away from this site. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. Did I and other admins play a part in it? Yes, to some degree we did but the majority of the resentment has come from those who never liked SP in the first place or those who only know half of all the details and 100% of the gossip of any given thing that has happened here.


Tune into the same channel same time for possibly more tomorrow if I am feeling up to it.




by Hundmutter on 14 October 2014 - 06:10

Not so sure this is / was / was meant to be only a 'working dog' site,  and the fact one owns a Show dog

ought not really to get the 'antis'  up'n'running.  But I can certainly understand it if the SLs came with an

attitude that SHE was right & everybody else was wrong, or as soon as racism and cussing posters out

got to be a habit, why people argued withher or left.  I would have too, much as PDB fascinates me (and

as others point out) is so useful.

And I can say that with feeling, as the (anti-racist) owner of a SL !

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 14 October 2014 - 06:10

It wasn't and there were plenty of showline people here. The showline people mostly used the GSD forum and the workingline used the general forum. Matter of fact it was all the non-sense that drove most of the showline people away most were from overseas. They got tired of the American politics, racist comments and bickering between workinglines and showlines.


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