Schutzhund USA proposed bylaw Change - Page 2

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by wallacepayne on 29 October 2009 - 15:10

For those of you who may not know. The president of USA has written a response and I must say it is compelling and well thought out. He presented a lot of accusation and they my very well be fact?  However, at the end of his response he wrote "We are ASKING you to make a choice"  My response to that is, they should ask and not force us to choose.  The Berlin wall was not built to keep people out, it was built to keep people in.  That's what this by-law change will do.  One last question how will this by-law change deal with the Life Time Members?

If we are truly the best then lead by example not by force. Also, USA, GSDCA, GSDCA-WDA, is not a breed registry  nor  will  they ever be recognized as such. People choose to breed according to the FCI standard because the want to. Someone told me once that "What you eat, don't make me shit"  How the GSDCA breed their dogs has nothing to do with the way USA conduct their business. The President also said read between the lines, I have, and this is only about the WUSV Team People. Wake Up.

Wallace Payne


by sueincc on 29 October 2009 - 15:10

Exactly my point, Bob!  I don't even care about WDS anymore!!!!!!  I see what you are saying in your second paragraph re helping out, hadn't thought of that, but I do see what you are saying. 

WALLACE PAYNE:  Can you link us to the letter you refer to?  Was it sent out to just the  delegates?   I think all members  should be able to see it considering the response the proposal has generated and how it deeply effects us.  I looked on the USA site, and the website for my region, but I can't find it.  PLEASE don't tell me it's in the magazine - I'll be the last to see it if that's the case.

by Bob McKown on 29 October 2009 - 16:10


                       What if the S.V. says they will only recognize one breed registry in  the US and the A.K.C has control of that with a iron glove are you going to start competing with american breed dogs breed to the AKC standard? is the AKC going to conform  to the S.V. standard and start judging to there standard?. With the S.V. seemingly associating with the AKC will they only recognize one team thru the GSDCA in fututre events?  As I said before it would help for some one to blow away the smoke and step up with a explanation that I and fellow thick heads can undersatnd... In the end it is my place to make sure my dogs are properly trained,breed for the work and if they get titled thru a politcal orginization or not atleast I know that they will represent the working breed to the best of my abality. 



by Mystere on 29 October 2009 - 16:10


Check your email--Lyle's letter was sent to the USA-GSD list this am by the USA Secretary, Sara Wallick.   


by Elkoorr on 29 October 2009 - 17:10

I for one find everything confusing as it is now. If USA shall pass this proposal then I feel more changes need to be made. We are an all breed schutzhund club and most likely will stay with USA if there has to be a choice made. Yet for myself not everything works out while being a sole member of USA, like if I want my titles recognized by the SV I need to trial with an SV judge, same for breed survey. Why do I care about this? Would like to sell one day a pup back to germany, and the buyer shouldnt have to worry about if the pup can be registered with the SV. And even if there are other organizations now, SV is still globally recognized. Would like to see USA work closer together with the SV and continue to establish a breed registry here that is recognized by both. Then we wouldnt have to kiss AKCs a$$ which as organization becomes more and more a joke.

Those are my two cents, please correct me if I understood anything wrong, as I still trying to understand the dynamics of the organizations.

by ceddyg on 29 October 2009 - 17:10

If you dont mind please tell me the difference in  the AKC standard versus SV? SV has more requirements of course but the standard for the breed is the same. My next question for all is this. What will the SV do to hurt us? Stop us from breeding dogs? Stop us from having Schutzhund trials? Stop us from breeding?The SV has no control over here. AKC is the only regonized breed registry currently in the states already. So what will change? The real issue is being told which club you can or can't be a member.


by Horse Man on 29 October 2009 - 17:10

 The WDA follows the rules & regulations of GSDCA and the GSDCA are under the rules & Regulations of the AKC. So if the USA Club joins then I beleive they will also have to follows the rules and regulations of the AKC. But I could be wrong .


by judron55 on 29 October 2009 - 17:10

well than there shouldn't be a problem for anyone. Join whichever organization you choose and let the chips fall where they may! I just don't trust ANYTHING coming out of AKC or WDS! WDA is not even viable is it?



by Bob McKown on 29 October 2009 - 17:10

Folks it,s all about politics from the top down... In the end the dogs are the  losser unless we work together dispite the heirarchy of the aforementioned orginizations.




by Rik on 29 October 2009 - 18:10

ceddy, not so sure it's the standard as that the SV has certain requirements that must be met before a dog is certified as breed worthy. Both USA and WDA adhere to these requirements, although they can not enforce anything other than the with holding of breed survey since dogs are registered through AKC and in the end do not require either USA or WDA approval.

The AKC/GSDCA have no standards or restrictions related to breeding of dogs.
Dogs need not be H/E certified, no character requirements of any kind, no certification that the dog even matches the standard that they endorse. Anything goes.



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