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by RatPackKing on 18 May 2009 - 03:05

Maybe this will help TessJ10

More Capitalist Propaganda from 1948:


Notice how when they say the word “profit”, they don’t use tones of disgust.......... Maybe we should send a copy of this to Washington to refresh the memories of Congress and the President about how an economy should run?

I only wish we had a President that considered profit a virtue instead of a necessary evil that’s more evil than necessary................ I refuse to prop up the Socialist Policy of the ‘Progressives’. 

That’s all folks,


by SitasMom on 18 May 2009 - 04:05

geeez guys, I want to work hard and make a big profit.........isn't that what captiolism is all about?

work hard, create a new way to make a widget, hire lots of people to make wigdgets, make lots of money and eventually retire..............


by GSDtravels on 18 May 2009 - 04:05

I have looked at this thread but to this point have not wanted to get involved, I don't like to discuss politics in any way, shape or form.  It's like religion, personal.  But, as a registered republican, I was not proud of that affiliation during the last administration.  That said, my republican friends sent me all kinds of emails bashing Obama during the presidential campaign and election.  I read them, checked them and found 99.99% of them to be propaganda.  Now, if you give me facts about a candidate, I will take it seriously, but all of this is hogwash.  It was all proven false back then, has been given new dates and is evidently circulating again.

Bloggers add "AP Washington" to make it look official and then add a few current issues to make it look recent.  It's an old trick and is not real.  These stories are false, if He was born in Hawaii, which is part of the USA.  I could fact check and probably find all of the initial questions to be false but I have better things to do.  The election is over and he won.  We'll have to live with him for at least the next four years.  I got tired of the smearing and was embarrassed by it during the election and this is just more of the same.  If you don't like his policies, you may write to your senators and voice your opinion but bringing up old false allegations is not going to accomplish a thing. 


by CrysBuck25 on 18 May 2009 - 04:05

It's not about smearing anyone, though it does look like it some of the time.  I'm neither Rep nor Dem...Don't believe in 'party affiliations'.  The welfare of our country isn't a social club...viewing it as such is leading our country into a deep dark hole.

Obama is a socialist.  That's a fact.  Adolf Hitler was a socialist, albeit in a far different light.  The fact is that our government is taking our money, our freedom, and our property for its own.  It is now an entity in its own right, with little responsibility or accountability to the people who are its subjects.

This discussion is moot; I realize that.  Obama won the election, by whatever means, and that's that, at least for the next four years or until we impeach him.

But as a nation of people, slaves or not, we still hold the ultimate power, that being the power in numbers.  We can all sit back, nod to the nice people telling us what we are going to pay for, what we will support, and what we will think, or we can all stand up and tell them we stand for the principles on which this country was built.


Above, there was mention of everybody being forced to drive tiny little electric cars because of gas being at five dollars a gallon...If your electric bill is so high you can't afford to have lights because of Mr. Obama, what then?  I drive a full size truck...Ever tried to haul a cord of firewood in the back of an electric car?  Tried to haul a trailer?  Not going to happen.  The price of gas isn't about its effect on the environment, it's about greed, pure and simple.  There's no reason that gas should cost half of what it does now.  It's just greed. 

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."

Less government is better.  The more we have, the more it costs us, in terms of morality and decency, and in money. 


by luvdemdogs on 18 May 2009 - 05:05

Actually. the current lack of money is due to not having enough government, or there would have been government oversight of the institutions that brought the entire world into an economic downspin. 

And really, it is the "capitalists without rules" mentality that created the problems we have now.  

This thread is like a tooth that needs to be filled - I want to keep my tongue out of it - but it's so annoying that sometimes I have to, LOL!  


by GSDtravels on 18 May 2009 - 05:05

I totally agree Crys, I don't like government, period, politicians even less.  But nothing is going to get done unless we take up arms.  The Bush administration had the record of making government bigger than any other administration in history along with adding much more power and secrecy.  No republicans, except me, were screaming about that.  BTW I also don't like party affiliations but if you are registered independent in the state where I (normally) reside, you can't vote in the primaries, which I believe to be more important than the election itself.  I side more with the republicans when it comes to taxing but agree that the parties need to be disbanded and partisanship is a joke.  Nobody can possibly agree with every stand a candidate makes, but more republicans are more apt to do that.  I also tend to agree with MaggieMaes post about the fall of democracy, seems like we're just about there.  The only thing I disagree with there is fact that we're between 6 & 7, I'd say that's conservative and we're much closer to 7 & 8. 

We're in deep do-do, but let's base our judgement on facts, it looks better


by MaggieMae on 18 May 2009 - 05:05



by MaggieMae on 18 May 2009 - 05:05


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 18 May 2009 - 05:05

I dare anyone to come up with a copy of his birth certificate...

.funny but mine can be found at the hospital and the county courthouse where I was born..Funny but  Guards are at the Hawaii hospitals that were rumoured to have handled his birth..but no one can find a Dr. that delivered him??????  The minute someone found out there were 5 different family members claiming he WAS BORN IN KENYA and then the family moved to Hawaii and had his birth certificate registered in Hawaii...tell me what is the real question....He is not qualified by the Constitutional  years of residency to be a candidate for pres of the usa....BUT  no one has seen the birth certicate...they dont want to .....it is not the plan....

Clowns dont need a birth certidicate and I think Palosi has  Celiac  disease,  gluten has invaded her memory of her brain.

clowns in the whitehouse...from the Press secretary to the Speaker.

Funny   Yes and Pierre turned the country right into   a  Little soviet Union.


by CrysBuck25 on 18 May 2009 - 06:05

To all the Democrats on this board, I have some questions:

Why should I work hard, make money, and then not be able to keep what I worked to earn?

Why should someone who hasn't worked for my money, get most of it, simply because they don't have any of their own?

Why should those who have not paid their dues be entitled to money from those who have paid their dues?

I'm not looking to start a fight, but I'd like to understand the reasoning behind the support liberals have for this wealth 'redistribution' program that is such a part of socialism.  I don't understand it.  "As a man works, so shall he eat."  Please, please, explain this.



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