5 generation long pedigree for Parader's Bold Duchess

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Pedigree for

Parader's Bold Duchess

Parader's Golden Image

CH Silver Ho Parader

CH Silver Ho Shining ArrowHoneybrook Big ParadeFuture of Arken
Honeybrook Helen
Silhouette of Silver HoMaster Lukeo of Noranda
Noranda of Heidi
Lodestone Bandolieara IIHeatherton PalPara of Sunnyheath
Bellefontaine Blondebelle
Landmark LadyStar of Lodestone
Lodestone Lady
Sterling Starsweet

Sterling StarmistSterling SelectSterling Stardust
No information about the sire
Sterling StarnymphSterling Stardust
No information about the sire
Sterling SequentialSterling SolitaireNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Sterling SequenceNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Parader's Cinderella

CH Silver Ho Parader

CH Silver Ho Shining ArrowHoneybrook Big ParadeFuture of Arken
Honeybrook Helen
Silhouette of Silver HoMaster Lukeo of Noranda
Noranda of Heidi
Lodestone Bandolieara IIHeatherton PalPara of Sunnyheath
Bellefontaine Blondebelle
Landmark LadyStar of Lodestone
Lodestone Lady
Parading Lady

Parader's Golden ArcherCH Silver Ho ParaderCH Silver Ho Shining Arrow
Lodestone Bandolieara II
Walker's Golden BeautyNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Parader's Ted MajoretteCH Silver Ho ParaderCH Silver Ho Shining Arrow
Lodestone Bandolieara II
Queen Mary PatriciaNo information about the dam
No information about the sire

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