Careless Hillary - Page 4

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by Mindhunt on 09 July 2016 - 02:07

Funny how when a democrat "gets away with something" and it is pointed out a republican got away with the same thing, die hard republicans don't want the previous behavior of the republican perpetrator brought into the discussion yet when a republican gets away with something, the die hard republicans are the first to point out a previous democratic perpetrator got away with the same thing........hmmmmmmmmmmm

As in George W deleted tons of emails off the PERSONAL REPUBLICAN SERVER and not one peep out of republicans, yet when Hillary does something similar, OMG how horrible and don't bring up "W".......

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 09 July 2016 - 07:07

The real problem is the incessant whining about anything O and Hillary do. The conspiracy theories. The non-stop wasting of money and resources but they can't seem to pass a bill to run the country. SMH. Hold hearings that they admit uncovered nothing but lets not spend a few dollars on anything except defense. SMH.


by Hundmutter on 09 July 2016 - 07:07

Yup. SS,DD.

by beetree on 09 July 2016 - 19:07

All I am hearing are excuses. Somehow two wrongs are now accepted as being alright. No wonder this election selection is such a depressing mess.

@Noitsyou.  I was too young to vote for Jimmy. My oldest will be voting for the first time, come this fall. He heard Bernie stump in New Haven earlier this year. Those college kids are so refreshingly idealistic. Life hasn't battered their hopes and they still dream of government as capable and doing great things.

by Noitsyou on 09 July 2016 - 22:07

I work at a college and see the same thing. It's easy to think that way when you don't have bills or other people depending on you.

And those idealists have no problems owning iPhones built by what is essentially slave labor and buying coffee from Starbucks made from beans picked by the poor.

In Italy in the late 60s there were student protests/riots in which there were violent clashes with the police. Pasolini said that he sided with the police because they were the children of the working class and thus the true proletariat. He said that they were the sons of poor southerners getting beaten up by rich daddy's boys. Rather than seeing the leftist students as ant-establishment he saw them as part of it. In other words, what are they willing to give up in order to have the world they think they want?


by Mindhunt on 11 July 2016 - 21:07

Noitsyou, I recently watched a special with Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh who is a Native American climate activist and just turned 16 years old.  I believe he had an interesting message, he felt young people need to get off their butts and do something good for the environment.  He also believed the only way to save this planet was taking the energy and optimism of youth and combine it with the wisdom and experiences of elders to create a force to be reckoned with that can educate the rest of the world. Sometimes those idealists are what can help change the world. 

by Noitsyou on 11 July 2016 - 23:07

Ideals are great if you can get others to share them but usually that shared vision is only attained when it comes to death, destruction and hate. People don't have problems with coming together and taking from others but coming together and giving up something is another matter. No change, good or bad, has come without bloodshed.


by Mindhunt on 13 July 2016 - 05:07

@Noitsyou - you seem to have a very dark outlook on life.  I prefer to believe in the innate goodness in people, I prefer to think people can exchange ideas and educate each other respectfully.  I like seeing the beauty in the world and in people, I guess you get what you see.


by Hundmutter on 13 July 2016 - 06:07

Some people - in every age group - ARE 'innately good', do have aspirations for a better society and life for all, for an economic and political system that's sufficiently different so as to redistribute wealth fairly, and try their best to avoid using / buying products produced by wage-slavery. The unfortunate problem is that they are in a minority.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 16 July 2016 - 10:07

So, where is the talk of banning trucks??

Silly Liberals.


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