line breeding - Page 1

Pedigree Database

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by Booboo11 on 12 January 2015 - 13:01

I have an A.K.C German Shepherd from the Zamp Vom Thermodos lines "male" looking to purchase a mate for him. I am dedicated to keeping this breeds lines strong and want a VA or Va1 female pup. I am looking at an upcoming litter w/this criteria but when I check for common ancestors there are quite a few hits. I am having a problem understanding results but I believe no common ancestors is wanted for this breed? I am not a puupy pound or back-yard breeder and paid alot of money for my first shepherd. These are once in a life-time opertunities for me and can't afford to make rookie mistakes. Can anybody explain this to me please.

by Richard Medlen on 12 January 2015 - 14:01


Fortunately for you, Zamp has a very open pedigree. He is line bred on Jeck Noricum only and that is good.  I feel certain someothers will disagree with me  but  Zamp's father is Quantum Arminius, an excellent producer, but much overused in my humble opinion. If I had your male and were looking for an ideal breeding partner, my first requirement would be to find a female without  Jeck in her pedigree. By doing this you would eliminate Quantum linebreeding in your upcoming litters. 

Good Luck!


by Blitzen on 12 January 2015 - 14:01

Never mind, I thought you already have a female. 


by bubbabooboo on 12 January 2015 - 18:01

Depends on how inbred your male is .. probably should post a pedigree.  The GSD as a breed already suffers from various afflictions due to inbreeding such as missing teeth, mis-shaped ears,  low birth weight, small litter sizes, and shortened life span.  It is a very good idea to reshuffle the deck ever so often and switching from inbreeding on one inbred line to another is not always a strategy that works.  Linebreeding is inbreeding and there are plenty of show line and so called working line bloodlines which need a refresh as all GSD are by definition carrying a lot of the same good and bad genes from the original small number of founder dogs.  While everyone cries alligator tears whenever the idea is mentioned I have and have had some great dogs that were again "so called" show line dogs mated with so called working line dogs.  The term working line is in most cases a politically correct substitute for "biting sport" GSD as most GSD do little if any real work ( herding, Police, S & R, tracking).

by gsdstudent on 12 January 2015 - 19:01

dear new Booboo. Your last question,'' can anybody explain this for you''. answer- No. get involved with the GSD on as many levels as possible. What one person can do for you is to tell you which female to buy to breed to your dog. You must find out if they are right or not. What you can do for your self is study the standard and get involved with people who follow the SV and its rules. 


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