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Siblings list for Lees Firefly
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Aurora of Banhaw and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Bowbell Of Wey and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Chinese Cracker and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: NZ CH Cowslip of Cowfold and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: ENG CH Larkwhistle Lucinda of Almadee and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Layston Frosty Morn and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Maryville and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Master Delight of Almadee and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Selina of Wey and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
Mother: Smart Lady of Wey and father: ENG CH Gayelord of Wey
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