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by kitkat3478 on 20 June 2014 - 13:06

SM- You have a dog showing very well, WHY the need to try to bring down a peg or two, another dog?
That is the kind of crap that demonstrates the integrity of ANY breeder, IMO....
I would be more than happy to own him, that's for sure

by Nans gsd on 20 June 2014 - 15:06

Nino is a gorgeous specimen of the breed.  Thank you for sharing his beautiful picture and history. 

by SitasMom on 20 June 2014 - 16:06

That is an older photo from last year, the show was recent an and of course the dog is older now.

by Blitzen on 20 June 2014 - 17:06

So what's your point, Kim? AKC shows are not like SV shows. The same dogs don't win all the time. AKC judges are supposed to pick the dog that is the best on that day, not what he or she thinks it will look like in a year. SV judges are charged with selecting the dog they feel will do the most to improve the breed. They need to know pedigrees and past production records.. AKC judges can't know any of that, it's not relevant to their choices and it's not apples to apples. Which scheme is the best overall for the breed? Toss a coin.

by SitasMom on 20 June 2014 - 18:06

Conformation shows ARE breed shows, they are designed to pick winners that will improve the breed.
Once again you are prooving yet another reason...... .

by crhuerta on 20 June 2014 - 20:06

Personally......I love Nino.

I think he comes from a very nice pedigree, and would be happy to use him in a future breeding.

Huge Congratulations to his breeder, owner and his trainers....


by Xeph on 20 June 2014 - 23:06

Conformation shows ARE breed shows, they are designed to pick winners that will improve the breed

They are designed to choose who most adheres to the standard.  

IF Nino was shown (Dr. Goldfarb said he wasn't) and he lost, again, so what?!  The judge that day didn't feel Nino was better than the other dog.

What a huge shock that a dog bred to the international standard wasn't favored over the dog bred to the AKC standard.

The picture you posted is of a six month old puppy as well, and that dog is now 15 months old.

And again, IF Nino was shown, we don't even know if it was in the same class.  The results for that show have not yet been posted.

Seriously? Get over it and move on.

Nino is no less an awesome dog just because he MAY have been beaten in a class in a different venue.  No judge in any venue is obligated to like a particular dog.



by Blitzen on 20 June 2014 - 23:06

Amen, Xeph. I agree - get over it. It's a damned dog show, one man's opinion; not a matter of national security.

by Blitzen on 21 June 2014 - 00:06

BTW, Kim, ask Dog 1 about the AKC specialty shows in VA where he exhibited Waiko. Same dogs entered under 2 different judges; 2 very different results although both WD's were German imports and both judges breeders who own German dogs. It's just the way the cookie crumbles in the AKC world. Realistic AKC show people don't expect to win every show they enter nor do they expect that every judge knows who they are, their dog's pedigree or what he or she has produced.  Is that any less fair than the way SV shows are decided?

by bzcz on 21 June 2014 - 00:06

Xeph,  different thread than this one.  Nino was shown and he lost to an ASL. 

According to Morton (and others who were there), "The Judge--Bunch--I was told after the fact that he was receiving tremendous pressure not to do anything with the "import". I was foolish to show and had I known this I would not have."

That is a big deal.  You and many of the others on this forum need to understand what a "show" is.  It is a judge deciding the direction that the breed should move towards.  He/she does that by picking the winners because everybody breeds to the winners.  Nobody breeds to the 7th and 8th place dog, or even the fourth place.

Yes if Nino had been up against worthy (suitable/ comparable - pick your word) competition, it wouldn't be a big deal. Nino was not placed at the top of the class because the judge was sending a message that this dog is not the American Breed Standard. 

The PROBLEM is and EVERYONE needs to read this and understand this next part! is that the GSDCA is a member of the WUSV but they refuse to use the WUSV breed standard.  They are the only ones who are allowed to get away with that.  I and many others wish the WUSV would crack down on that like they have said they would in the past.  In the past GSDCA has had to attend the WUSV yearly meeting and at one of these, they promised that they would move the breed standard to match the WUSV standard.   ANYWHERE else in the world, Great Britain, Sweden, Netherland, South America and Nino is a world class dog.  Only here in the USA does he get beat by a local dog because our standard is different and it shouldn't be.  The GSDCA said they would change that (sound familiar?) and has done nothing to do so.  NOW though you should believe them as they preach the gospel of the dog. 

The Breed Standard is a WORKING DOG (Blitzen are you reading this?) the Standard is:

 FCI-CLASSIFICATION:              Group      1    Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs).

 Section    1    Sheepdogs. With working trial.

They are NOT a trotting classification, which is what GSDCA and AKC have them listed as. 

Are we trying to maintain a breed of dogs whose sole purpose is to hock walk around a show ring, or are we trying to maintain the original vision of a dog who is a jack of all trades, sound in mind and body?



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