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yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

You are right Sue, and Raymond is his real name...We have a handful on here who will not tell anyone who they are and they ride the realm of     TAUNTING others and still remain anoymous, and they want all of us to put   our  FAITH in them ,,that they are for our GOOD>>>

NOT gonna if no one knows who you are,,,then I suggest you find a better way to make noise on here.

For Months some on here called Raymond every name in the book and swore he was not a man named RAYMOND...well to somes surprise several on here have met RAYMOND>>

So this is just one example , like SUE says,  have patience, do not assume, and quit calling names when you do not know of whom or what you ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Most every one of us, know who each other is...SUE knows most all of the posters, and it is quite obvious when you get someone who  REFUSES to post name or pic or dogs , that they have not intention of keeping THE PEACE>>>Now that OLI has spoken I am happy we have some moderators with an identity  to reach in times of question...It is not hard to post, and if I want to put up a poem that is about GOD or my faith, and the mod sees it is ok at that time of the thread subject, no problem or if the mod chooses to delete it,,,I won"t  have but one

But I would also hope , that if we act silly sometimes or use a bit of humor in the thread,,the mods will notice it as , trying to lighten up things...I like humor and fun thing, and I think it helps us know each other better... we all have one common thread,,,,dogs....., some have horses, etc, but our bond, whether it be working lines, showlines or   just a PET,  is a breed of something...worth talking about....we should all be able to share stories  , even personal feelings and all   be honored...BUT the people who remain  NO NAMES, need to find a new hobby ....and it isnt feeding the pigeons on here.

When their is  DOUBT  there is always CONFUSION>


by beetree on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

That's the problem Sue. Other people thinking for other people and feeling the need to clean up after them all the time. As if there is only one way to have a conversation.

by CanYouHearMeNow on 30 November 2010 - 22:11


You may not have seen what happened but a member post a statement (well lets call it what it is...A LIE!) pretending to be a Mod.  It was made to ruffle feathers and to bring up anger against the Mods, and that it did!  All the mod did was remove the LIE and all comments that were connected to the LIE! Nothing wrong with that in my opinion!  There are enough emotions running around this board right now that we really don't need people thinking that what these comments are about are true!  Not everyone has the time to go back and see that these comments were brought up by a LIE!  IMO the LIE and comments connected to it needed to be deleted and I for one, have no problem with it!
Sorry that you do.

And No I'm not a mod .... just understand why they deleted those


Totally agree -  Some things (cough people cough) just can't seem to change


by Pharaoh on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

Dear Oli,

I think patrolling posts for "off topic" content is a fool's errand and can come to no good.

Sometimes a post wanders off happily into a loosely related topic and there is no violation of the TOS.

The least interference with good conversation, is best.

Thin skinned, reactive moderation will never make anyone happy and destroys the flow of conversation.



by nonacona60 on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

People can change, but the desire and the need or reason to change has to be there also.....


by Ninja181 on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

If people can't be civil when posting then whack them over the head, suspend them, ban them whatever. But as long as they are civil I say let them debate, as long as that debate is within the TOS guidelines.

If I got drunk and ran over 10 pedestrians should we ban cars?

Should we close the road down where the accident happened?

Or should I be the only person punished?

So when a thread is on topic and several people violate the TOS why do we continue to YANK the whole thread? It's like banning cars or closing the highway. Just whack the offenders and everyone will get the message.

And yes for the most part when you post something you know whether it is acceptable, borderline, or it just isn't going to make it.



by nonacona60 on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

Well said Ninja....


by MaggieMae on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

I agree Pharaoh

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

That is exactly what happened here. A post was made to look like it was a moderator comment. This post instantly added 3 pages of nothing to this thread. The thread is still here the posts are deleted. 

The TOS says stay on topic some wiggle room is allowed.

by beetree on 30 November 2010 - 22:11

Uh, excuse me but my Egg Nog Merry Wishes were deleted and had nothing to do with the shenanigans. It was a tribute to Moons who I think is on a walkout strike.


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