BSZS bitework helpers - Page 8

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by Babe on 25 September 2006 - 15:09

Sage mal seid Ihr alle bekloppt das ist wohl so bei den Amerikaner die wissen von alles und wenn es darauf ankommt von nichts. So und die haben alle Deutsche Schaefer Hunde,na dann kommt man nach uns zur Siegerschau und wir Helfer sind bereit und warten.Ich bin gerade hier in Kalifornia und im training mit ein sehr grossen Zwinger/ Besitzer.Die Antwort auf Geld bestechung ist total verrueckt der Helfer hat fehler gemacht und der Richter hat es nicht sehen wollen.Das Beissen war nicht gut und der Hund haette unter Kontrolle sein muessen egal auf feld oder abseits.Lachhaft in einer art ja aber auf anderer nicht weil es auf den Besitzer abgeht.Der Besitzer haette es mit courage nehmen muessen was der wahrscheinlich gemacht hat aber das Argument ist von den Speckulanten gemacht worden wie willst du es wissen ob es nicht Diskutiert wurde?So nun Redet man schoen mit einander ich werde ein Auge auf den Messageboard halten. Servus von hier.

by D.H. on 26 September 2006 - 02:09

Debbie, not every airline has a weight limit. A bit of shopping around for the right flight gets you there with a dog for a decent price. You can use a travel agent to find the flight for you. Then book it any which way you want to. I find it intersting that you can so freely apply this double standard of yours and not find anything wrong with it. Lets see... you buy SV bred GSDs, even directly from Germany, promote SV quality and breeding rules on your site, but feel that breeding according to AKC rules which are virtually non-existent is quite fine when and if it suits your personal needs, fly to Germany to attend the largest SV event and complain about SV rules not quite being observed. In short: you stick with AKC when it comes in handy while flying the SV flag but then proceed to burn it. And just to clarify: the BSZS is a German event, not a US event. The judge of that German event made a decision, which the rules say is Final. So what exactly is your beef? Rules were observed, the judge decided they were. That is how things are done in Germany. Don't like it? Then don't go back. Or do better. *** LaPorte, nothing wrong with trialing at your home club with your club helper and the dog not functioning elsewhere. Not all dogs NEED to be able to trial beyond that. Not all owners need to be able to trial beyond that. Its a team effort after all. Many dogs would do much better if their owners were of better quaity ;o). All that is what separates the average from the top after all. We need average to be able to appreciate top. The BSP was just on last weekend and 20% of the participants did NOT get a passing score. 20% of the cream of the crop... Only one dog was pulled the others Failed. It happens. Some were top dogs that have already competed at National level before or at different National events. Even a C score of 65 is nothing to be ashamed of at such an event. A 65 in C would pretty much automatically translate into a TSB less than pronounced. The reason why not more BSP dogs end up with TSB of less than pronounced is because they have already been weeded out during the many LGA qualifiers. You do not see the many, lets just call them soso performances put on by dogs from top lines and top parentage at these trials. Yes, when the time comes to leave the home court advantage everything starts to work out very differently all of the sudden. The assumption that a dog that shines at home will also be the reflection of perfection during a guest performance belongs to those who have never ventured much past the confines of their resident club...

by Tiger on 26 September 2006 - 12:09

Could someone be so kind and translate Babe post? Debby, You should change your screen name to RULEBENDER!---only if applies to Debby. Kathy, I agree to disagree, but points have been made, issues aired, trains wrecked, and hard heads unpenetrable. I must leave with one question for you Kathy. So are you condoning breeding untitled GSDs too? Is bending the RULES ok when its you or a friend? Please answer honestly.

by skykat on 26 September 2006 - 23:09

Tiger I am German and did a quick translation of Babe's post. If you give me your e-mail I will send it to you.

by SGBH on 26 September 2006 - 23:09

Claudia, Email me. I suffered a computer crash a month ago and a lot of critical info was lost, including yours. Blueskies!

by skykat on 26 September 2006 - 23:09

Stephen, Sorry to hear about your computer. I have sent you an e-mail. blue skies, Claudia


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