Most Embarassing moments...... - Page 5

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by Blue-Skye Kennels on 20 April 2007 - 01:04

When I first bought my Naya, I introduced her to my father, and first thing she did was go for his crotch. What is it with dogs and crotches?


by SchHBabe on 22 April 2007 - 16:04

This is a great post! I think we've all had those moments that we wanted to crawl inside a crate and hide. LOL. One of my priceless moments was when I was working on the jump with my young male. I had him on a long line and I was sending him back and forth over the jump. It didn't take long for me to get the line wrapped around my right foot without me noticing. So I send him over the jump and he launches, with my right leg in tow! I flip completely on my back in the air and land "Splat!" right in the mud. In the meanwhile my dog got a correction on the collar from the line wrapped on my front and is standing on the other side trying to figure out what he did wrong. All my club members are laughing and pointing at me on the sideline. I try to get up but now my dog has walked around the jump to see what's wrong with Mom and has wrapped the line tight around the upright post of the jump. I couldn't stand up until I had unhooked the line from my dog's collar and untangled the line. I didn't have a change of clothes with me so I had to work all day with my backside covered in mud. I borrowed a towel to put on my car seat for the long drive home. I drive 2.5 hours to get to my club. What a laugh! It was a priceless moment! Fortunately I have a good sense of humor and I enjoy retelling the story. Thank God I don't have a fragile ego. :)


by SchHBabe on 22 April 2007 - 16:04

Here's another one that I may soon have photographic evidence from. Hee hee. This Saturday at training, I'm working on the A-frame with my young male and I'm sending him over, then jumping up on the A-frame and calling to him so that he will come back over to me. Problem is, my dog is a lot faster than me! And we've got a professional photographer on hand to capture the monkey business on film. (She is friend of our club and does all the photography at our club trials). So I send my dog over the A-frame and I scamper up the top. I get balanced on my side just as my dog is coming back over the top. He collides with me on the top of the A-frame, knocking me backwards and him to the side. He fell to the ground with far more grace then I did, but somehow we both managed to keep our feet. Renee, the photographer, said she got the collision on film and I can't wait to see how that shot turns out. Priceless! Sometimes ya just gotta laugh at yourself and move on! :) Yvette


by sueincc on 22 April 2007 - 19:04

Yvette: I think the last one takes the cake! What a kodak moment. I hope you post a link to the photo when you get it.


by Jamille on 22 April 2007 - 21:04

I have been laughing, so hard reading these posts !! : ) I have a wonderful moment of insanity to share. A couple of years ago I had decided to breed my female to a male with a little more high and more serious over the top working drive. Well, I had kept a male out of the this litter. He was a little Freek , when it came to his prey drive. Well, one day I had one of my Horses in a round pen near the kennels, because he had broken the horse fence, due to the insane rain we had. I was going about my normal routine and had let my young male puppy out. He was about 9-10 months at this point. The horse decided to act up and was running and bucking in the round pen. When all of the sudden prey drive kicked in with my male. My male runs into the round pen and procedes to latch on to the end of the horses tale (just the hairs),and is now skiing, behind the horse. Now, mind you the rain had caused the ground to me sooo saturated and this is knee high in MUDD!! The mudd forces the male to let go of the tail hairs and is now in pursuit of the horse. No, matter what I did or said I could not call the litte Freek off. So, I decide to join the merry go round and dive into the round pen , trying not to get trampled by the horse and trying to catch the dog. After slugding through knee high mudd and falling down countless times, for what seemed like and eternity. I am crawling through the mudd in exaustion, on my hands and knees, crying to the heavens. With a screetch of desperation I screem to the horse. JUST (F******ING) KICK HIM!! KAPOW!!, THE HORSE KICKED HIM AND ROLLED HIM RIGHT TO ME. Now, I grab ahold of the dog, and the mad woman comes out and I am doing the " DUNK O DOGIE " in the mudd. Now, still utterly exuasted, I have to somehow wade through the mudd, to get out of the round pen. While holding on to a mudd drowned pooch, who is still trying to get at the horse. And stupid me did not have a collar on him. As, I got to the gate, I was trying to stand, but the mudd made me slipe and I lost my grip on the Freek, but managed to grab his tail, and decide that rolling under the gate was a better option than trying to stand. I managed to get him back to his kennel. And a week later , I became the proud owner of my very first " ELECTRONIC REMOTE CONTROL COLLAR " . p.s. It took a week before I felt the little Freek was deserving of a bath!! LOL!!


by Sunsilver on 22 April 2007 - 22:04

Jamile: Oh, I can SOOO relate to this, knowing how muddy horse farms get in the spring! I used to own a flea-bitten gray mare, that was almost white, except for the 'flea bite' marks. First thing she did when you turned her out, without fail, was wallow in the mud! If she couldn't find any, she'd roll in the stream instead...anyway, this is supposed to be about dogs, and you just reminded me of another embarrassing incident1 First time I took Tasha to my Uncle Gordon's farm, my aunt said to just let her run free, the way they do with their farm dogs. BIG MISTAKE!! She went and rolled in a nice fresh cow pat! It was a cold fall day, and I had to hose her down with cold water, so we could put her in the car for the drive home (luckily we had a station wagon, with a plastic tray protecting the carpet.) It was NOT FUN trying to hang on to 65 lbs. of bucking, plunging G.S. who most decidedly did NOT want a cold water bath! I think I got nearly as wet as she did, not to mention getting some of the manure smeared on me. My aunt was busting a gut laughing, too!


by Ninja181 on 22 April 2007 - 22:04

Ok here goes. About 4 years ago I'm walking my last GSD (not my present one). Anyway my dog hates everyone, I get on an adjacent street where a house with a fenced in yard has a tiny lap dog and a black lab. The lab is always friendly and the lap dog barks like he is insane. This happens every time I walk past this house. However one early morning (6:30 AM) I'm walking by and all of a sudden both dogs are headed my way (gate was accidently left open) the lap dog is going a million miles an hour and barking like crazy. The lab is two steps behind him carrying a stuffed toy. My GSD stops dead in his tracks and the small lap dog runs right through his legs, next he is zig zagging through my dog's legs like he is going through a slalom course. The lab is trying to appease the little barker with a toy in his mouth to no avail. Now I spot the owner of the two dogs running my way, she has rushed out of her house with only a bathrobe on, and it is half open. She gets to me and she is trying to pick up the lap dog while constanly saying I'm so sorry. Now my dog in an effort to get away from the little barking maniac starts to run around us in circles, he wraps my leash around me and this half dressed lady. He wraps it so tight this lady and I become stuck together face to face and can't move in the middle of a busy street. Cars are going by tooting horns and we are stuck together like you can't believe, it was at least three or four minutes before we finally got somewhat separated. She picked up the lap dog and was almost crying as she keep repeating I'm so sorry. I started laughing and said, all the dogs are fine and we certainly didn't get hurt don't worry about it. To this day everytime I see her we both start laughing. The good thing is my GSD was fine through the whole episode he didn't even bark.


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 23 April 2007 - 03:04

Ninja, I laughed hysterically. I bet the people in traffic laughed their tails off all the way to work. You were probably the conversation piece at many dinner tables that night. It's great we all can laugh about our moments.


by shasta on 23 April 2007 - 05:04

ROFL LOVE this thread. Makes for a fun laugh! Here goes on mine, two come to my mind. First I was 9 years old working in obedience. In the middle of a competition and doing an auto sit. He kept wrapping his leg around my leg every time we would stop. Then on the last one, he decides to lift his leg and pee on me. I was of course mortified. Second one was very recently (a few months ago) with a current young and crazy gsd I'm ATTEMPTING to work with. I had retired him for a little bit because we thought he had a back problem but it turned out fine and I pulled him out and started working him again. He hadn't had very much obedience but it was doable so I was putting on his BH. Did well during practice and so I entered him into a trial. During the long down it started. He laid there quietly and then (you can see it on the video) it was like he got bored and just stood up and decided to dig a hole to china (we're talking the kind of digging where dirt is flying and he's getting into it). He proceeded to lie back down on the other handlers platz command and I thought that would be the worst there was. Boy was I wrong. On leash heeling was just fine though he wasn't as focused as I wanted. Off leash he did his name proud (Kaos) and decided that for his encore he would proceed to bite my pant leg through the entire heeling pattern. I dragged that dog through the whole routine as he kept hold of my pant leg and pouncing on my feet. Most of the return leg was spent dragging him the best I could, though it was definitely hard to keep my balance during the leg bite heeling we were doing!:-) I had more laughter then ever at the look on his face. In the video you can tell he was having a BLAST. NOthing I could do but laugh of course. Comments were "should never wear hot dogs in your socks". And also, "he just decided that the judge wanted to evaluate his grip at the same time as his obedience...its the new style of grip evaluation and obedience scoring combined!" We'll never live it down:-)


by Jamille on 23 April 2007 - 21:04

Sunsilver, I too have experienced the Cow Patties !!! NOT FUN !! LOL!!! Only, I got bucked off a horse and landed in one. YUK !! LOL!! Ninja, too Damn Funny!!! LOL !! I had just as much laughter, remembering my horrible round pen episode, as reading everone else's, experiences. : )


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