Kirschental/Grafental Breedings - Page 4

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by harley on 23 April 2007 - 15:04

what is the big no-no to cross them if they are both similiar in conformation (v-rated). and compliment each others temperments? meaning both are stable,but one might be a bit harder. i'm not saying breed a timid,spook, with a maniac who doesn't stop all day. some working lines are fine in the house and are able to mellow out.2 dogs with similiar drives. i just don't understand it? unless you are breeding purely for 8-10 sport people who have gave you a non-refundle deposit, fine,then by all means, working/working litter. but that isn't reality.. most pups end up going into homes as PETS.the general population doesn't even know about schutzhund!!!!! JMO


by SchHBabe on 23 April 2007 - 15:04

Sueincc, A big thanks for clarifying Dean's comment! That is certainly a correct assessment. Harley, There is no black-and-white rule that would say you can't cross lines that are compatible. In fact there is a nice show line bitch in our club that I would breed my male to without hestitation because I have seen her work well on a consistent basis. However, the show people might not want my straight-backed, black sable, moderately angulated male making their puppies "ugly". The working people might not want a puppy from a bitch with only a "sufficient" courage score. D'oh! As to most puppies ending up in pet homes, you make a good point. God forbid a puppy like my high drive male end up in the average pet home. He would drive them nuts! My "pet" friends are always asking me, "When is your dog going to settle down?" to which I merrily respond "I hope never!" So yes, when breeding a serious working litter it behooves the breeder to have the proper homes lined up for the pups!

by LMH on 23 April 2007 - 16:04

SchBabe-- Just got in from the fields, and boy is it getting hot. I'm typing this and panting as much as my dogs. Anyway, I knew you weren't a wimp and would understand where I was coming from. You give a lot, yourself. (LOL). Concerning the straight-backs being snubbed, I don't know about that--One top show breeder and I were discussing this recently. He seems to be striving for straight. It's probably not the backs that are being snubbed, but more the people who own them. (LOL)


by gimme10mins on 23 April 2007 - 18:04

I feel like when crossing the lines that it is very important to breed dogs with similar structure. If I bred my showline female to an east german dog, I would want the male to have V rated Kkl 1 dogs predominating in his background. I think that makes the resulting progeny easy to determine the type of structure they will have. They may not VA rated quality but they will more than likely be V rated Kkl 1.

by AKVeronica60 on 26 April 2007 - 19:04

Here is a dog who went SG-BSP, whose mother was 1/2 or more showlines, making him more than 1/4 showlines. Henrico von den jungen Hansen, SchH3, KKL1 Henrico is also the sire of SG Cäsh vom Salztalblick SchH3, IPO3, KKL1. Herico's litter brother Harry is located here in Anchorage, where he is an example of a good dog for our club, though now he is 11 years old. He gets to come to the club for some fun at times, and he still has a crushing bite.


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