Most Embarassing moments...... - Page 3

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by sueincc on 31 January 2007 - 22:01

Two dogs ago I went to a seminar. On the day we were doing tracking I felt really good because this was something I knew we were good at. After I was done showing off I couldn't wait to hear glowing praise about my training abilites. I was then informed my dog wasn't tracking, he was looking my footsteps!

by hodie on 31 January 2007 - 23:01

Well, this is not related to training or particularly embarrassing, but it is funny and absolutely true. I hope you enjoy it. Many years ago I was an avid fisherwoman. One day I was fishing for trout at a reservoir I often fished in. I had my beloved GSD Solomon with me as I always took him too. About 100 yards or so from where I set up my tackle box and chair was an old Japanese man who had been there before I got there. He had no fish. We fished for an hour or more. Solomon had been sunning himself and was sleeping. Suddenly I started catching fish and getting lots of bites. The old man was getting no action. Within about 1/2 hour I had caught two really large rainbow trout. Each time I caught one, out of the corner of my eye I could tell this old fellow was irritated that he was not catching fish and I was. Solomon woke up and was just sitting there when suddenly, I had a bite and I jerked to set the hook. Solomon saw me set the hook and off he went into the water to look for the trout. After swimming a good 25 yards from shore Solomon saw the trout come up out of the water near him. Much to my surprise, down dove Solomon and came up with the trout in his mouth. I was worried that he was going to get the hook in him, but he swam up to shore and dropped the trout at my feet. I was astounded and told him what a good dog he was. The old Japanese man got up out of his chair, threw down his pole and stormed over to where I was and asked in broken English "your dog have license to fish?" He was simply beside himself as I was catching fish with the help of the dog. I stayed a little longer and Soloman and I caught a few more fish and then I decided to quit for the day. As I left, I gave the man all my fish. It was a day I will never forget. Solomon was a great dog, and a great fisherdog!

by Drakegsd on 31 January 2007 - 23:01

About a year I took Drake (he was about 10 months old) to our local pet store to pick up our raw food order. I was talking to a friend of mine and Drake was stretched out next to me watching a little cocker spaniel eat a raw hide. All of a sudden he got up and he was very stiff and hunched over. He actually looked like a cat – his back was totally arched. At first I though he was going to throw up, he kind of had that look on his face he gets when he is about to yak. A minute or so went by and there was no change in him – so now I am starting to panic. I touch him; feel his stomach and he is all tense and totally rigid…I am thinking "Oh my god, my dog is ..bloating... having a heart attack… heat stroke… ( please insert your preffered deadly illness here ... )" A couple of people in the store are looking at Drake and they also are starting to freak out. Somebody is looking for the cashier to ask her for a phone number to a local vet, another person telling me I should offer him some water. Meanwhile Drake is still hunched over with a totally miserable look on his face. Things are just not looking good at this point! Well, a friend of mine (the store manager) rushes over to take a look at him. She happens to be a breeder of Dobermans and she is very knowledgeable when it comes to dogs (Thank God!). She looks at Drake and then very quietly pulls me aside. I am bracing myself for some bad news…...... She very calmly tells me to leave my dog alone and give him some space as he is in the middle of a "tie" with an imaginary playmate!!! She tells me that it could take anywhere from a couple of minutes to an hour and that I should just wait him out. At this point I am dying laughing - I am in the middle of the store surrounded by people watching my buttheaded teenage dog in a full arousal mode with a pathetic look on his face. It cant get much more embarrassing than that… can it??? Oh by the way… it lasted about 7 minutes and once he was done he straightened out and went to look for some water…. I think it was the longest 7 minutes of my life!!!

by odinfan on 31 January 2007 - 23:01

Ooo, I definitely have one! I was 11 years old and had my first GSD at an obedience trial. She did wonderfully through all of the first exercises; nice heeling, recall, stand, and sit-stay. At this point, we're qualifying and I'm a totally happy kid . . . Well, time for the down stay. My female, Ruffian stays down for about 15 seconds. Then, God only knows why, she jumps up and sniffs the two dogs lying next to her and then, before I can even say a word, LEAPS over the fence and disturbs a whole row of dogs in the next ring. (The class next to us was doing a down stay at the same time). Well, all of the dogs in the next ring were facing away from us, so I get to look at about 10 PO'd handlers in the next ring, as well as feel the burning glances of the handlers in our ring. (And remember, I'm just a young, impressionable kid at this point.) I called for Ruffy and she joyfully leaps over the fence and comes running toward me. She gets about 3 steps away and sees the look on my face, slows down and gives me the "I'm so sorry" look. I never could be harsh with her, so I called her over and she sat next to me as all of the other dogs in both rings re-started their down-stays and we sat across the ring in shame. I think the worst part was on the drive home. We stopped at this diner and my mom starts talking with some of the other patrons. She proceeds to regale everyone with this hilarious tale. I remember wanting to crawl under that table and die!


by VomFelsenHof on 01 February 2007 - 00:02

Okay, I gotta' post on this, but wouldn't normally. I don't need any reminders of my embarassing moments. I was 13 years old, and it was Christmastime. We had a male GSD, and a female GSD. So, our very nice (and "talkative") neighbors come to our house singing Christmas carols outside the front gate. My mom and I go outside to listen, and are enjoying the songs. Well, our male GSD hops on and begins to breed our female GSD (who is in heat), right in front of the gate, while the female is happily watching the carolers. I guess the male thought it was a great serenade. Nothing we did could get him to stop. I was SO mortified (especially as a teenager with the "cute boy from across the street" singing while our dogs are getting it on). I don't know who was more embarassed, us or the carolers. LOL No, they did NOT come sing carols at our house the next year.

by 1doggie2 on 01 February 2007 - 01:02

Not embarrssing, just funny. I took the dogs to run along a creek, of course they go in. As I am calling them to get out, I hear this MOO in my ear, there is a cow with his head almost on my shoulder, Now I am in the creek.


by Changer on 01 February 2007 - 06:02

Sent my dog to retrieve the dumbell over the wall in the SCH 2 and she went under the wall and brought back a dog turd. She never could pass up a fresh turd. It was very embarassing at the time, can you say, NOT FOCUSED! and needless to say, my retrieve training is much different now.

by Radical on 01 February 2007 - 10:02

Great post idea, having a very bad week here this has cheered me up. I remember some years ago a couple of show handling moments... I strode out into the ring in my brilliant white jeans looking great, it was a show at a horse racing park and I started to gait my dog around the ring when suddenly... Whoosh I slipped and fell backwards into a pile of muddy horse manure I had to finish the class with a stinking black backside! Then there was the time at a show when it was raining and had been for three days ( it was Wales) a male i was handling, at full pelt I slipped the dog towed me out of the ring on my backside. Or there was the time I was teaching a class and one man had a bitch who was a little sharp and he was not heeling her correctly, I went over and explained to the class " If you hold the lead like so and keep your eyes on your dog he/she will be happy to oblige" at which point the bitch nipped round my back and sank her teeth into my leg...... Carol

by EchoMeadows on 01 February 2007 - 16:02

My First Trial... during the temperament test, my dog decided to say howdy to the Judge, by planting both front feet in his chest tail goin 100 miles an hour. I just wonder what the next one will bring. Your Stories are making me worried, But make me look forward to all of the mistakes I will make and then will be able to look back on and laugh about later.


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 01 February 2007 - 20:02

I'm glad everyone is enjoying this post. I thought it'd be a nice switch from the more serious posts that tend to often times a. get off track and b. turn into blood You guys made me feel much better now about my recent experience that I'll share with husband and I started taking Agar out to this great club-people are just fantastic and supportive, for the first couple times I had my husband working the dog in all the bitework and PP training since I'd never done it before and was totally intimidated. But I was so intrigued and determined to get started that the one week I surprised my husband when I said "honey, I think this week I'm gonna work the dog myself" lol My husband reluctantly says "oh??" "are you sure you're ready for this?" I respond by saying "I gotta learn some day and besides how hard could it be?" lol It was a crappy day, wet, freezing-I like a moron wear tennis shoes....see where this is going right...1st few times we did great, I was so proud of myself, dog takes the sleeve drags it around a bit, drops it, I grab his lead and I'm holding him waiting for my next instructions from my fellow club members, I look away for a split second Agar is still keyed up wanting more of the "bad guy" he jerks forward spins me around like we're disco dancin', I land on my tail he continues to pull, I do this incredible roll thing from my back to my stomach and he proceeds to drag me oh about 15 feet as I'm hangin on for dear life thinking what the....just I couldn't even think fast enough, I knew I wasn't hurt, just really nerveous about what comes next, club members are calling out to me to let go but I didn't think that'd be a good idea since the helper had no protective gear on at this point so I yell for Agar and just like that he stops, looks at me like "well, are you gonna get your ass up now or what, we're done". I wanted to JUST DIE! lol We laughed about it later, the club members made me feel much better and I promised that next time I will be much more gracefull when he knocks me on my tail. I'm sure this is the first of many embarrassing moments.


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