Irish Wolfhound Pedigree Search

Pedigree Database

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Try to avoid very common words like "vom", "von", "der", "aus", etc.. and stick to the kennel + name for best results

Recently added pedigrees

Sanctuary Boroughbury Bawnshe

Sanctuary Boroughbury Bawnshe

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283192)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by GSD Ancestry
Crimnea Of Eaglescrag

Crimnea Of Eaglescrag

Inserted:6 months ago
Male (3283191)
Father: CH (IRELAND/UK) Sulhamstead Max
Mother: Saragh of Eaglescrag
Created by GSD Ancestry
Barbara Av Kroodden

Barbara Av Kroodden

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283190)
Father: Crimnea Of Eaglescrag
Mother: Sanctuary Boroughbury Bawnshe
Created by GSD Ancestry
Rathlin Of Rathcline

Rathlin Of Rathcline

Inserted:6 months ago
Male (3283189)
Father: ***
Mother: Ballykelly Murtagh
Created by GSD Ancestry
Wenwil's Maggie Mc Closky

Wenwil's Maggie Mc Closky

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283188)
Father: CH Mountebanks Barrabas
Mother: CH Mountebanks Hiberia
Created by GSD Ancestry
Murphy Av Kroodden

Murphy Av Kroodden

Inserted:6 months ago
Male (3283187)
Father: Rathlin Of Rathcline
Mother: Barbara Av Kroodden
Created by GSD Ancestry
Ballykelly Culeen Of Brabyns

Ballykelly Culeen Of Brabyns

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283186)
Father: Ballykelly Inis
Mother: Ballykelly Achara
Created by GSD Ancestry
Brabyns Tullow

Brabyns Tullow

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283185)
Father: Connal of Brabyns
Mother: Ballykelly Culeen Of Brabyns
Created by GSD Ancestry
Dana Of Brabyns

Dana Of Brabyns

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283184)
Ljunas Henriette

Ljunas Henriette

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283183)
Father: CH Boroughbury Paddy Boy of Brabyns
Mother: CH Ljunas Beauty Doll
Created by GSD Ancestry
Bernadette (S 29307/74)

Bernadette (S 29307/74)

Inserted:6 months ago
Female (3283182)
Father: CH Erindale Commodore of Ljunas
Mother: Ljunas Henriette
Created by GSD Ancestry
Bright star's kieva

Bright star's kieva

Inserted:6.1 years ago
Female (2775644)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by fannin9
Dragonsblood lucious

Dragonsblood lucious

Inserted:6.1 years ago
Male (2775643)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by fannin9
Tannenbaum's Texas Bluebonnet

Tannenbaum's Texas Bluebonnet

Inserted:6.1 years ago
Female (2775642)
Father: Dragonsblood lucious
Mother: Bright star's kieva
Created by fannin9
Saccomano's Hanna Rayy Sunshine

Saccomano's Hanna Rayy Sunshine

Inserted:6.1 years ago
Female (2775641)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by fannin9


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