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Siblings list for CH Umpachene Sir Van V Edelherz C.D.
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Princess V Edelherz and father: Doggenburg Max
Mother: Anita V Meistersinger and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: CH Asta Vd Grossen Geist and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: Beghine V Meistersinger and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: Betty Carol V Meistersinger and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: Brunhilde V Drachenwald and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: CH C'est Si Bon Von Meistersinger and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: Carloine V Meistersinger and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: Cita V Meistersinger and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
Mother: Citta Von Munchhausen and father: CH I.w. Harper V.d. Stadt Hamburg
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