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by Jenni78 on 18 January 2015 - 18:01
Mods, I presume I'm in the right place but feel free to let me know if not...
Absolutely adorable ADBA & UKC registered pup available to NON-BREEDING home due to underbite. She was a show prospect whose bite has gone off during teething. She is as cute in temperament as she looks. Would make an ideal children's dog. Loves other dogs, loves kids, plays sweetly and doesn't fight with others, takes correction from adults when needed without backtalk...just a sweetheart all the way around. We're very disappointed we cannot show her and just want a loving home for her.
Her name is Sofia (called "Sofi" or "SooooFat!") and she was born August 30th. She weighs about 30lbs and is about finished growing. Very hardy, healthy pup with super temperament. Calm, kind, confident puppy.
by kitkat3478 on 19 January 2015 - 00:01
Your right jenn...she is absolutely adorable.
If I were a few years younger and had little kids, I'd be all over that beauty.We had pits for years with the kids, and they absolutely are fantastic family dogs.
My only problem with ours, their tongues never stopped
by Jenni78 on 19 January 2015 - 01:01
Thanks, Joni! She's a total doll. Awesome size- big enough to play with but doesn't eat much! :)
by mrdarcy on 20 January 2015 - 22:01
She's so cute, hope she finds her forever home, good luck.
by yogidog on 20 January 2015 - 22:01
one of the best family dog i ever had was a pit named murdock out of the a team he was crazy but so soft with the kids .i realy hope you find a home for this little one
by Jenni78 on 21 January 2015 - 01:01
She'll find a home. She's in absolutely no danger. We just hate to hold her back from her forever home now that we know she will not make a show dog.
Thanks to both of you.
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