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Dachshund -
Heidox Master Lop Maxwell MCL
AKC HP060960/05 11-04
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
DNA: AKC DNA #V367496
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMAM. CH Hanjo N' Sylmar Goldnugget ML ROM AKC HM950116/04 09-02 HD- Sire | Brandachs Natural Blonde ML AKC HM877071/01 12-00 Canada HD- Sire | CAN CH Brandach's No Black Roots AKC HM838265/01 10-99 Canada HD- Sire |
Brandachs Satin V Cedarhurst AKC HM769497/01 12-02 Canada HD- Dam | ||
AM. CH Brandachs Blonds Hav Morfun ML AKC HM789185/01 06-00 Can HD- Dam | Devoncream Wayfarer AKC HM691898/01 06-98 UK HD- Sire | |
Pattihund Ebony CreamSilk AKC HM703734/01 UK HD- Dam | ||
Heidox Ginger Snap MCL AKC HM973855/01 11-03 HD- Dam | AM. CH Cedarhurst Sevenschilling ML AKC HM822405/03 11-00 HD- Sire | ROMAM. CH Rose Farm's Palomino ML ROM AKC HM557394/01 07-98 HD- Sire |
Devoncream Easter Biscuit 1995AKC HM611487/01 05-97 (UK) HD- Dam | ||
Newberry's Snow Storm ML HD- Dam | Devoncream Countryman AKC HM729249/01 02-98 (UK) HD- Sire | |
Artic Explorer's Glacier ML HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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