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by sox on 30 March 2005 - 03:03

At what age is a young male physically CAPABLE of producing puppies? 4 months? 6 months? 8 months? 10 months? 12 months? Does anyone have experience of very young males who have unexpectedly fathered pups despite being considered too young? I ask because I have been unable to find the answer elsewhere, and my 4 month pup is very interested in his young female companion who is now in season. I find it hard to believe that he could father pups at such a young age, and she is not yet "ready", but should I separate them? When she has her next season they will definately be kept apart, but as he is still such a baby and she is only 12 months old I had hoped they could stay together a bit longer.

by Vereinigte on 30 March 2005 - 04:03

Hey Wish I could help you. Because I've never imagine breeding a male at 4, 6 ot 10 months of age I really can't tell you. However i've seen a male of mine get a old female I had at 8 months and then again at 12 months. She never took but then again both were freak incidents. I just keep them under locks in different rooms when I have a female in heat cause untiL I have titled males or ones worth breeding they aren't lucky enough to "get some". I think physically around 12 months from previous knowledge and other peoples experience is when most of their dogs are at the age where their junk is actually ready. I've heard of 10months and I've also heard of males around 18 months. Each dog is different what the average is? I wouldn't know. But I do know that BOYS will be BOYS and my puppies although they are clueless and do it merely for dominatin at 6 months old tried humping females, or other dogs. Their 11months old and we have a 9year old female who doesn't take and who just goes crazy cause these 2 brothers don't leave hear alone. They've never even come close to making a tie but they think they know what they are doing. Vereinigte

by DKiah on 30 March 2005 - 04:03

I know of a 10 month old male who bred his mother and produced a litter, due to all kinds of health problems, all were lost..... I would separate them anyway... never keep pups together...they need to bond to me, not other dogs... We have been thru this time and time again, so I won't repeat...

by jade on 30 March 2005 - 04:03

Around the year 1980 0r so I allowed my Canto Wienerau granddaughter to play with the neighbors 4 mo. old lab mix puppy..... the only male dog she was around while she was in season........she did get pregnant....IT CAN HAPPEN..


by GSDfan on 30 March 2005 - 04:03

I know of an 8 month old dog who fathered a litter, of coarse it was unplanned, the owner didn't separate the two because she didn't think he could but he did!

by sox on 30 March 2005 - 04:03

I've watched 6 week old male pups strutting their stuff and trying to mount each other; it's amusing and I guess harmless. My lad is 4 months and still goofy, his ears are all squiffy and he is a big cuddley loving baby; I cannot imagine that he would be able to father pups right now but I'd prefer to be a little more certain. He's quite a big fellow and very laid back, testicles were apparent from an early age but he's hardly "macho". The female is a little confused; it is her first season (11 months old) and she's a little unsure about what's going on. They are great buddies and I don't want to separate them unless I have to.

by sox on 30 March 2005 - 04:03

If he was nearer 6 months I would certainly keep them apart as I think that is borderline for sufficient physical maturity to mate successfully. He is only just 4 months old (17 weeks) but I will still be vigilant, particularly once she becomes receptive. My 4 dogs are all house dogs; I have no wish to disturb the harmony we enjoy by unforeseen hormones flying around; an ounce of prevention etc..... Thank you for advice, will bear it all in mind and report back later.


by Silbersee on 30 March 2005 - 05:03

Better save than sorry!!! Keep them apart. Stranger things have happened. Why would you want to tempt fate? Like DKiah already mentioned, you need to separate them so they bond with you. After the two weeks or so of danger have passed, you can give them supervised playtime again. JMO, Chris

by Charisma on 30 March 2005 - 14:03

I sold a puppy and he fathered a healthy litter of 8 pups at 6 mnths of age, I was appalled and I ended having to report him to the SPCA, it was so unecessary at least the female was not related and 3 years old but I was horrified, people are so unscrupolous and oh yes he claimed it was a "accident" after, I warned him to be careful with an entire female around, I spent quite some time with him explaining how active they can be. Dumbo!


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