Obama's Executive Orders Issued to Date from the National Archives - Page 1

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by beetree on 28 September 2012 - 22:09

A lot of revoking past Presidents' E.O.s, and then amending going on! LOL So, that's what new Presidents do as soon as they get the mighty pen.....! 

Undo the last guys stuff!  And that is why so many beautifully carved statues have no heads to this very day.

by brynjulf on 28 September 2012 - 22:09

The weird part of it all is the E.Os from the past presidency were from a Dem Majority.....  Why would you undo you own parties stuff.... The whole thing is bizarre.  People slam Bush like crazy but it was a Dem majority.... I will never understand US politics.  Makes your head spin. While Bush was the figure head the controls were in the hands of the Democratic party.  Now that a Dem is in power , he is undoing his own parties issues. I just can not understand it at all...

by Preston on 29 September 2012 - 02:09

Good info Blitzen., well done.  What %tage of the PDDs are actually unConstitutional?  Are some notably so? Many experts on war crimes have repeatedly claimed Bush2's PDD expressed as an EO authorizing torture of "enemy combatants" is an int'l war crime and a crime against humanity.

Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 29 September 2012 - 15:09

"The weird part of it all is the E.Os from the past presidency were from a Dem Majority..... Why would you undo you own parties stuff.... The whole thing is bizarre. People slam Bush like crazy but it was a Dem majority.... I will never understand US politics. Makes your head spin. While Bush was the figure head the controls were in the hands of the Democratic party. Now that a Dem is in power , he is undoing his own parties issues. I just can not understand it at all..."

Clearly you don't; do you understand the concept of an Executive Order?


by Kalibeck on 03 October 2012 - 03:10

LOL! jackie harris

by brynjulf on 04 October 2012 - 21:10

Keith, if I understand correctly it is when a president ( or other head ei a senator) gives an order that overrides (overrules?) all others.  I could be totally wrong but that is my understanding of what it is?


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