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Recent pedigrees

Nadia du bas berry

CHFCS Nadia du bas berry

Inserted:9 months ago
Female (3268938)
Lucky du clos des cytises

Lucky du clos des cytises

Inserted:9 months ago
Male (3268927)
Ria du bas berry

CHFCS Ria du bas berry

Inserted:9 months ago
Female (3268926)
Reza du bas berry

Reza du bas berry

Inserted:9 months ago
Male (3268925)
Father: FR'CH Uberty de la Thudinie
Mother: FRCH Naia du Bas Berry
Created by HELLER
Hit Alivet Perfect Adorable Queen

CIE, DKCH,DECH Hit Alivet Perfect Adorable Queen

Inserted:1.4 years ago
Female (3221257)
Juma-Greta vom Hungrigen Wolf

Juma-Greta vom Hungrigen Wolf

Inserted:1.5 years ago
Female (3213266)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by Gremlinbouv
Porsche Tes v.d. Vanenblikoeve

Porsche Tes v.d. Vanenblikoeve

Inserted:1.5 years ago
Male (3213265)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by Gremlinbouv
Leo Liam Juma vom Hungrigen Wolf

Leo Liam Juma vom Hungrigen Wolf

Inserted:1.5 years ago
Male (3213264)
Grey tetis Good honey Bouvi-buzi

Grey tetis Good honey Bouvi-buzi

Inserted:1.8 years ago
Female (3196366)
Father: ***
Mother: ***
Created by andzia32
Haidi bouvi-buzi

Haidi bouvi-buzi

Inserted:1.8 years ago
Female (3196365)


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