How to register a GSD / Mal Mix litter - Page 3

Pedigree Database

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by vk4gsd on 01 July 2015 - 21:07

if a dog exists it has a pedigree. Registry and pedigree are different things. Registries commodify pedigrees and control them.


how are pedigrees on the PDB verified????


its not that there are false pedigrees here and in verified registries it is how many thousands of pedigrees are false either wilfully or by innocent mistake.


Joan because the breeder demonstrated traits in the parents I desired. The pound used to be a great source of dogs for people like me but the rules have changed and mention hunting and you are banned from receiving a pound dog, shame cos all the dogs I would take fail the pound temperament test and are PTS within three days of getting to the pound is why.

by vk4gsd on 01 July 2015 - 22:07

@ Joan, one of the now pure lines here was developed from a great old dog man that ran a pound, he selected from hundreds of pound dogs over decades and bred a most awesome dog that throws pure now over 30 years later.


he did lose his job and faced charges for doing so but the breed is established now and unfortunately are being processed for breed recognition which they will be possibly the only breed in the world with a full DNA database, the working crowd steer clear of the new developing registry tho.

by joanro on 01 July 2015 - 22:07

Vk, that's how most pure breeds start.

Anasilva, without proof there is no verification, and verification comes from registries and now dna for proof of parentage is possible.

by joanro on 01 July 2015 - 22:07

Vk, pedigrees on pdb must come from a registry, such as AKC, pedigree can be verified or disproven. There are cheaters in all walks of life, but usually they are outed eventually.

by vk4gsd on 01 July 2015 - 22:07

I would not go as far as saying all false peds are a result of cheating. We have had threads on extremely widely bred gsd that were found to have false peds to cheating.

the thousands of progeny were entered in good faith, who knows what's really in those now thousands of dogs e,cept for the original cheat.


the maths is exponential, one false ped in a widely used dog can generate thousands of false peds in a few generations.



people have got the wrong baby from hospitals and guys have raised children or paid child support on kids they thought were theirs and were later found out to be happens.

by joanro on 01 July 2015 - 23:07

What's your point? Currently, one can have dna confirm parentage. Its a starting point. What happened in pedigrees fifty years ago is irrelevant to this generation of dogs...that is if one is not relying on romantic line 2 thru 4 with resurrected extinct line 1 twenty generations back in a pedigree. If one looks at the living dogs in front of them, it makes no difference what dogs are in the pedigree nine or ten generations ago.
I don't think I said all incorrect pedigrees are the result of dishonest registers. Of course a dishonest entry made twenty years ago is going to snowball down. But if each successive generation is accurate it doesn't matter who the the dog was that was originally incorrectly entered.

by joanro on 01 July 2015 - 23:07

Being given the wrong baby accidentally has nothing to do with dishonest breeder who deliberately enters the wrong parentage on a registry, or putting papers for one dog on a different one in order to sell it.

by vk4gsd on 01 July 2015 - 23:07

oh I agree both with what's closest counts more and the out there illogic of breeding in the lines that have been crossed over and over yet still breed true to type of the particular line you happen to be marketting today including breeding extinct lines WTF.


my point is nobody has a frikkin clue on their dogs pedigree unless the female was isolated in lock down and you watched the mating and then put the female back in isolation, and then at best all you know is that mating, cant verify a thing back in the ped.

I dont see how anyone could argue that.

as far as mixing my uneducated opinion is it is inevitable, doesn't seem to be a problem for many other registries, eg horses, to open and close books, what evidence is their that gsd breeders are getting it "righter" ?


which brings me back to power, money and control.

by joanro on 01 July 2015 - 23:07

As moons was fond of saying; burn it all down.


by susie on 02 July 2015 - 16:07

Vk, in my country every puppy born within the SV/RSV system is DNA´d for years ( generations ) now. It´s almost impossible to cheat.
I really like this procedure, because for breeders it´s very important to know about the ancestors ( health, size, working ability ... )
It´s done during chipping ( in former years during tattoing the pups ) - it´s neither expensive nor difficult, and it´s made by the breed warden, not by the breeder, and - we have to register and DNA all of our puppies, there is no like=registration or dislike=no registration.
But - different countries=different rules. Bad for the breed...

Once again, I´m not against a "mixed breed" registry, the overwhelming majority of dogs are still mixed breeds, and a lot of owners are proud of their dogs, they are not worth less than dogs with pedigrees, why not show them in a different section?

I´m simply afraid of the cheeters, they would be able to register everything out of anything right now, no proof - no rules. I would not like to see one of my males listed as the sire of mixed puppies, maybe unhealthy, only because someone liked the picture of my dog...A lot of the elder breeders over here still don´t use English spoken boards or the internet, they wouldn´t even become aware of this mess.


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